Site Map
Posts by category
- Category: Anonymous Companies
- Category: Corruption
- Category: DC Forum
- Category: Financial Secrecy
- Category: GFTrade
- Category: Illicit Financial Flows
- Category: Money Laundering
- Category: Natural Resources
- Category: Other Topics
- Beneficial Ownership in the British Overseas Territories in the Caribbean: A Cayman, Montserrat, and Bermuda Case Analysis
- Changes to the Digital Assets Issuance Law in El Salvador
- Cambios en la Ley de Emisión de Activos Digitales de El Salvador
- MV Matthew: The Poster Child of an Overlooked Problem
- Profit Shifting Case in Indonesia Highlights Need for Improved Tax Collection
- Voices in Transparency – Zoe Reiter, Project on Government Oversight
- The Year Ahead
- The G7 and the SDGs
- Taking stock of 2018’s money laundering scandals: When is enough enough? (Part 1)
- GFI Engages | Second Quarter 2017
- Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation
- Illicit Financial Flows, Corruption, and Sustainable Economic Development in Tunisia
- Stop the Bleeding — Curbing Illicit Financial Flows Video Recap
- UN’s ECOSOC Youth Forum: “Youth Taking Action to Implement the 2030 Agenda”
- Companies in extractive industries report their payments to governments more, but more work is needed
- GFI Engages, Third Quarter 2015
- GFI to Launch Myanmar Report with Panel Including Dev Kar, Vikram Nehru, Aaretti Siitonen
- GFI Seeks Consultant for Open Data Scoping Study
- GFI Engages, Second Quarter 2015
- GFI Engages, First Quarter 2015
- GFI Engages, Fourth Quarter 2014
- GFI Engages, Third Quarter 2014
- GFI Engages, First and Second Quarter 2014
- Category: Trade Misinvoicing
- Category: Transnational Crime
Press Releases
- Global Financial Integrity Expresses Deep Concern Over the Suspension of Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act
- New Report Uncovers Illicit Financial Flow Risks in Ghana’s Gold Mining Supply Chain
- Global Financial Integrity (GFI) y el Instituto Anticorrupción (IA) establecen alianza para promover la transparencia e integridad corporativa en Colombia
- New Report Unveils Gaps in Uganda’s Mining Legal Regime and Proposes Actionable Solutions to Combat Illicit Financial Flows along the Mineral Supply Chain
- Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit (UAFE) of Ecuador signed a Cooperation Agreement to strengthen the fight against corruption and money laundering.
- Global Financial Integrity (GFI) y la Unidad de Análisis Financiero y Económico (UAFE) de Ecuador firmaron un Convenio Marco de Cooperación para fortalecer el combate contra la corrupción y el lavado de activos
- Nuevo informe de GFI y Vance Center identifica oportunidades, riesgos y desafíos para contrarrestar delitos financieros en el ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador
- Global Financial Integrity and the National Customs Service of Chile signed a cooperation agreement to combat organized crime and strengthen transparency.
- Global Financial Integrity y el Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Chile firman un Convenio de Cooperación para combatir el crimen organizado y fortalecer la transparencia
- Global Financial Integrity and Belize Network of NGOs Partner to Advance Integrity and Transparency in Belize
- Global Financial Integrity Publishes New Report on Illicit Financial Flows in Kenya’s Mining Sector
- Report Highlights $2.6 billion Laundered Through U.S. Commercial Real Estate
- Grey-listing of Kenya by Financial Action Task Force Calls for Urgent Reforms to Combat Financial Crime
- Global Financial Integrity (GFI) Releases New Policy Brief: "Leveraging Regional Frameworks for Beneficial Ownership Reforms"
- New Publication Examines the Nexus between Illicit Financial Flows and Transfer Pricing in Uganda.
- Policymakers in El Salvador should urgently adopt reforms strengthening AML/CFT as well as ensuring robust oversight over virtual assets, new report finds
- Las autoridades salvadoreñas deben adoptar medidas urgentes para fortalecer las políticas ALD/CFT e implementar una supervisión robusta de los activos virtuales, recomienda nuevo informe
- Trade based money laundering in Uganda: Analysis, Impacts and Recommendations
- Abordar el lavado de dinero basado en el comercio (TBML) sigue siendo complejo; y corrosivo para las economías en desarrollo
- Addressing TBML Remains Difficult; Corrosive to Developing Economies, New Publication Finds
- Nuevo informe de GFI encuentra que los fondos de inversión privados son vulnerables al lavado de dinero en la región de Latinoamérica
- New GFI Report Finds Private Investment Funds Vulnerable to Money Laundering in Latin America
- Global Financial Integrity Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Customs Agency of Panama
- Fraud in the Caribbean region is widespread, generates hundreds of millions of dollars in criminal proceeds each year
- El fraude en la región del Caribe se encuentra extendido de manera generalizada e incluye cientos de millones de dólares en ingresos ilícitos cada año
- A pesar de rápida adopción de criptomonedas en América Latina y el Caribe, gobiernos no se encuentran preparados para mitigar riesgos por delitos financieros, según estudio de GFI
- Despite rapid crypto adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean, governments are not prepared to handle financial crime risks, GFI study finds
- China's Belt and Road Initiative Exacerbating Illicit Supply Chains and Trade-Based Money Laundering
- China plays an outsized role in transnational crime, illicit financial flows mirroring its growth as an international superpower
- Ganancias por extorsión en el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica superan US$1.1 mil millones al año
- Extortion payments in Northern Triangle amount to over US$1 billion per year, study finds
- GFI & ACODE Highlight the Importance of Corporate Transparency for Domestic Resources Mobilization in Uganda
- GFI & ACODE Evaluate the Key Elements, Opportunities, and Challenges of the OECD/G20 Tax Deal
- GFI Submits Comment to FinCEN on Anti-Money Laundering Regulations for Real Estate Transactions
- Informe encuentra que la facturación comercial fraudulenta sigue siendo un problema masivo y persistente
- Report Finds Trade Misinvoicing Continues to be a Massive and Persistent Problem
- No quick fix for Haiti — but corruption comes first
- Global Financial Integrity Welcomes Treasury Department NPRM to Implement the Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirement
- Global Financial Integrity Welcomes FinCEN ANPR to Address Money Laundering in Real Estate
- Global Financial Integrity Praises the First U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption
- Massive and Opaque U.S. Private Investment Industry Presents Major National Security and Corruption Threats
- Informe Revela Que La Corrupción Es El Delito Financiero Más Prevalente En América Latina Y El Caribe, A Pesar De Los Grandes Esfuerzos Para Controlarla
- In-Depth Analysis Finds Corruption Most Prevalent Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean Despite Efforts to Address It
- New Report Finds U.S. Real Estate Sector a Safe Haven for Money Laundering
- GFI Calls on Multilateral Leaders to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Integrity
- NGOs call on Secretary Blinken to Assist Haitian Government in Fighting Corruption
- NGOs call on Secretary Blinken to Assist Haitian Government in Fighting Corruption
- Informe revela facturación fraudulenta a gran escala en comercio internacional de madera colombiana
- New Trade Brief Finds Large-Scale Trade Misinvoicing in Colombian Timber Exports
- Policy Paper Provides Recommendations to Improve FinCEN’s Role in National Security
- Informe revela debilidades de la minería de oro en Colombia que la hacen muy vulnerable a actividades ilícitas y criminales
- New Report Finds Colombian Gold Sector Vulnerable to Illicit Financial Flows
- In Historic Win for Beneficial Ownership Transparency the Senate Passes the Corporate Transparency Act
- Now Onto Final Senate Vote, House Passes Historic Bill to End Anonymous Companies by Veto-Proof Margin
- U.S. Congress Close to Ending Anonymous Companies Abused by Criminals and Corrupt Actors
- The Seventh Annual Amartya Sen Essay Prize
- 24 International Organizations Call for Global Magnitsky Sanctions on Authoritarian Regimes Seeking to Exploit Coronavirus Pandemic
- GFI Letter of Support - Corporate Transparency Act/COUNTER Act (H.Amdt.1 to H.R. 6395)
- 102 Groups Tell Congress: Support Public Country-by-Country Reporting
- GFI Letter of Support - Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020
- GFI Supports Black Lives Matter
- New Study Finds Lack of Trade Integrity in Sudan's Global Trade, Oil and Gold Sectors
- Global Financial Integrity Signs Cooperation Agreement with Ecuador's Financial Intelligence Unit
- Congress Urged to Include Anti-Corruption Measures in Coronavirus Response Packages by Group of 10 NGOs
- Group of 10 NGOs call on Congress to pass anti-corruption initiatives as part of coronavirus response
- Caroline Kende-Robb Joins Global Financial Integrity Board of Directors
- GFI Identifies $8.7 Trillion Gap in Global Reported Trade
- GFI Joins 14 NGOs in Letter to Support Two Bills Critical to National Security
- New Report from GFI Examines Illicit Financial Flows in Colombia, Finds Revenue Losses of US$2.8 Billion in 2016.
- Bipartisan Bill to Combat Anonymous Companies Introduced by Eight Key Senators
- GFI: Egypt lost estimated $1.6 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016
- GFI: Indonesia lost estimated US$6.5 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016.
- GFI: India lost estimated US$13 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016.
- GFI Joins 126 Groups In Support of the Corporate Transparency Act of 2019
- Tom Cardamone: President and Chief Executive Officer
- Report Demonstrates Ease of Establishing Anonymous Shell Companies
- Illicit Financial Flows are Significant and Persistent Drag on Developing Country Economies
- Global Financial Integrity Releases New Study on Trade Misinvoicing in South Africa
- Global Financial Integrity Releases New Study on Trade Misinvoicing in Nigeria
- Global Financial Integrity Releases New Study on Trade Misinvoicing in Kenya
- New Study Quantifies Value of Illegal Trade in Great Apes
- New Anti-Money Laundering Bill Neglects Beneficial Ownership
- GFI Opposes H.R. 4519: Letter to the House Financial Services Committee
- New Massive Leak of Secret Documents from Bermudian Offshore Law Firm Reveals Tax Abuses and Corruption by Companies and the Global Elite
- Global Financial Integrity Joins Addis Tax Initiative as Supporting Organization
- Pan African Lawyers Union Keynote Address
- GFI Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan Bills to End Anonymous Companies in the U.S.
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Testify before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Hearing on the U.S. BSA/AML Regulatory Compliance Regime
- Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation
- New Study: Illicit Financial Flows in Developing Countries Large and Persistent
- House and Senate Bills Seek to Address Tax Evasion by Multinationals in the U.S. and Abroad
- Transnational Crime is a $1.6 trillion to $2.2 trillion Annual “Business”, Finds New GFI Report
- Civil Society Experts Issue Accelerated Agenda for Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in Africa
- New Report on Unrecorded Capital Flight Finds Developing Countries are Net-Creditors to the Rest of the World
- GFI Launches Database—GFTrade—to help Developing Countries Generate Millions in Additional Public Revenue
- Wildlife Trafficking Generates Up to US$23 billion in Illicit Financial Flows Each Year
- Representative Pocan Introduces New Bill to Address Harmful Gaps in Corporate Financial Transparency Reporting Requirements
- Investors managing over $740 billion call for transparency over American company owners
- U.S. Treasury, IRS Move Quickly to Implement OECD BEPS Agreement, Finalizing Rule Requiring Country-by-Country Reporting by Multinationals
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Testify Friday at IRS Hearing on Proposed Country-by-Country Reporting Regulation
- Lowe's Testimony for CBCR Hearing
- New Treasury Rule on Beneficial Ownership Fails to Ensure that Beneficial Owners Are Identified
- Massive Leak of Secret Documents from Panamanian Firm Reveal Movement of Billions of Dollars in Suspect Transactions
- Civil Society Calls on U.S. Treasury, IRS to Require More Transparent Corporate Tax Reporting in Proposed Rulemaking
- Mbeki, High Level Panel on Illicit Flows from Africa Conclude Successful US Visit Mobilizing Support
- Financing for development: Enabling developing countries to tackle illicit flows
- GFI Welcomes Introduction of Bills to Expose Anonymous Shell Companies
- New Study: Illicit Financial Flows Hit US$1.1 Trillion in 2013
- Photographs from GFI Conference "Illicit Financial Flows: The Most Damaging Economic Problem Facing the Developing World"
- Credit Suisse Granted Exemption from Disqualification for Asset Management Exemption Business Despite History of Abuses
- Sustainable Development Goals Adopted: Illicit Financial Flows Become Part of Development Equation
- Top Ten Facts About the Sustainable Development Goals and Illicit Financial Flows
- Illicit Financial Flows: Significant Impediment to Achieving Sustainable Development Goal #6 — Ensuring Healthy Lives
- Global Financial Integrity Releases Capstone Book on Illicit Financial Flows with Support from the Ford Foundation
- Illicit Financial Flows Outpace Foreign Aid and Investment; Sustainable Development Goals Address Problem
- Nearly US$100 Billion Flowed Illegally through Myanmar from 1960 to 2013, Finds New GFI Report
- Illicit Financial Flows: Major Hurdle to Achieving Sustainable Development Goal #4 — Ensuring Quality Education
- Illicit Financial Flows Growth Rate Soars : Sustainable Development Goals Aim to Tackle Problem
- GFI's Joseph Spanjers Discusses Illicit Outflows from Africa on SABC News
- A Conversation with Raymond Baker on Illicit Financial Flows in Africa
- GFI Applauds Mbeki Statements on Illicit Financial Flows at FfD3
- UN Member States Pledge To Address Illicit Flows
- Nipping It in the Black
- New Program to Address Damage of IFFs by Supporting Developing Governments in Fighting Trade Misinvoicing
- From Foreign Aid to Legitimate Trade: How to Finance Development
- Governments Should Seize Historic Opportunity at Addis Ababa Conference to Help Developing Countries Mobilize Trillions of Dollars in Domestic Resources by 2030
- Offshore Interests Not Aligned with Africa's Development Agenda
- G7 Whiffs on Illicit Financial Flows as FfD Conference Approaches
- Despite Cameron's Efforts, G7 Fails to Make Progress on Illicit Financial Flows
- New Study: Illicit Outflows Correlate to Higher Poverty and Inequality, Lower Human Development
- Joint Letter Re: Prosecution of Rafael Marques de Morais
- Photos from "Tax It like It Is: Discussing the Luxembourg and Swiss Leaks"
- Photos from Financial Transparency and Human Rights Conference in Johannesburg
- Thomas Pogge: How Are Human Rights and Financial Transparency Connected?
- Johannesburg Conference Links Human Rights and Financial Transparency in Africa
- La Conférence de Johannesburg Établie le Lien entre les Droits de l’Homme et la Transparence Financière en Afrique
- Conferência de Joanesburgo Liga os Direitos Humanos e Transparência Financeira em África
- Landmark UK Transparency Law Raises Pressure on White House, Congress
- Civil Society Urges U.S. Treasury to Combat Money Laundering in Real Estate Sector, Curb Abuse of Anonymous Companies
- Joint Letter to FinCEN on Beneficial Ownership Transparency and Customer Due Diligence in the Real Estate Sector
- GFI Marks the Passing of Advisory Board Member John C. Whitehead
- Leaked HSBC Records Shed Light on Culture of Corruption in the International Banking System
- The Hunt for Black Money
- AU/UN Panel Report Prioritizes Curbing Trade-Related Illicit Flows; Calls for SDGs to Follow Suit
- GFI Expert: Labor Dep’t Shouldn’t Grant Criminal Bank Credit Suisse Special Privilege to Gamble with Workers’ Retirement Savings
- Remarks by Heather A. Lowe at Department of Labor Hearing on Credit Suisse Waiver Request
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Testify Thursday at U.S. Labor Dept Hearing over Proposed Credit Suisse Tax Evasion Exemption
- GFI Request to Testify at Public Hearing on Proposed Individual Exemption Involving Credit Suisse AG
- GFI Commends Landmark Agreement to End Anonymous Companies in the European Union
- New Study: Crime, Corruption, Tax Evasion Drained a Record US$991.2bn in Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Economies in 2012
- GFI Welcomes Brazil’s Nelson Barbosa to Advisory Board
- GFI: G20 Fails to Make Substantive Progress on Financial Transparency and Illicit Flows
- First Annual Amartya Sen Prize on Illicit Financial Flows Awarded to Max Everest-Phillips, Hamish Russell, and Gillian Brock
- GFI Urges G20 Action on Anonymous Companies, Country-by-Country Reporting at Brisbane Summit
- Open Letter to G20 Leaders on Beneficial Ownership and Country-by-Country Reporting
- GFI Praises Denmark Commitment to Crack Down on Anonymous Companies with Public Registry
- GFI Notes Significant Progress on Automatic Information Exchange but Warns that Poorest Countries Are Being Shunned
- Raymond Baker's Remarks at World Bank Forum on Illicit Financial Flows and Sustainable Development
- GFI’s Raymond Baker to Speak on World Bank Panel about Illicit Flows and Sustainable Development
- GFI Urges Strengthening of Proposed Treasury Rule to Combat Dirty Money Flowing through U.S. Banks
- GFI Comments on FinCEN Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Customer Due Diligence Requirements for Financial Institutions
- GFI Welcomes Global Witness Report on "The Great Rip Off" from Anonymous Companies in America
- Photographs from GFI and MIND's Joint Conference in Rio de Janeiro
- US$401.6 Billion Flowed Illegally out of Brazil from 1960 to 2012, Finds New GFI Report
- Novo relatório da Global Financial Integrity (GFI) revela que US$ 401,6 bilhões deixaram o Brasil ilegalmente entre 1960 e 2012
- GFI Welcomes ONE Campaign’s Report on the “Trillion-Dollar Scandal” of Illicit Financial Flows
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Speak on U.S. State Department Panel about Curbing Corruption
- New Standard Chartered Settlement Underscores Insufficiency of Fines & Monitoring in Deterring Illicit Activity at International Banks
- GFI Welcomes New U.S.-Africa Partnership to Combat Illicit Finance
- GFI Urges Obama, African Leaders to Prioritize Curbing Illicit Financial Flows at U.S.-Africa Summit
- Investors Should Hold BNP Paribas Accountable—Someone Has To
- GFI Welcomes OECD Release of Full Global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Information
- GFI Assails Disheartening U.S.-BNP Paribas Settlement
- GFI Hails Continued Progress on EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive
- Open Letter to the UN's Open Working Group on Proposed Goal 16
- Delaware Bills ‘Mere Window-Dressing’, Will Do Nothing to Curb Abuse of Anonymous Companies
- G7 Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Tackling Illicit Financial Flows, Promoting Sustainable Development
- Financial Transparency: Moving Towards Systemic Solutions
- GFI Book Event - Global Shell Games: Experiments in Transnational Relations, Crime, and Terrorism
- Report Launch Photos for "Hiding in Plain Sight"
- Want Sustainable Development? Mobilize Domestic Resources, Curtail Illicit Capital Flows
- African Countries Lose Billions through Misinvoiced Trade
- Trade Misinvoicing, or How to Steal from Africa
- The Economist Highlights the Scourge of Trade Misinvoicing
- GFI Welcomes David Cameron’s Letter to UK Overseas Territories Calling for Corporate Transparency
- Global Income Inequality and Illicit Financial Flows: The Trillion Dollar Plague on the Poor
- GFI Lauds EU Parliament Vote Endorsing Crackdown on Anonymous Shell Companies
- Global Financial Integrity Welcomes Arvinn Eikeland Gadgil to its Advisory Council
- GFI Praises EU Parliament Panels for Voting to Crack Down on Anonymous Shell Companies
- Looted in Plain Sight: Kenya and Its Multi-Billion Dollar Invoicing Problem
- GFI Applauds Historic OECD Announcement on Global Transparency of Financial Information
- US$410.5bn in Illegal Money Flowed in or out of Philippines from 1960-2011, Finds New GFI Study
- US$68.9 Billion Flowed Illegally into or out of Emerging EU Economies in 2011
- Global Financial Integrity Urges the RNC to Reject Pro-Tax Evasion Resolution
- An Indictment of Financial Crime Enforcement
- US$400 Billion Smuggled into China from Hong Kong through Trade Misinvoicing Since 2006
- Illicit Trade Invoicing Fuels China’s Currency, Housing Speculation
- Developing Countries Are Being Undermined by Rich Nations' Greed
- Landmark OECD Report Finds Rich Countries Failing to Effectively Tackle Illicit Financial Flows
- Study Finds Crime, Corruption, Tax Evasion Drained $946.7bn from Developing Countries in 2011
- U.S. Must Do More to Tackle Phantom Firms on International Anti-Corruption Day
- On International Anti-Corruption Day, GFI Reviews Major Developments from 2013
- Illicit Financial Flows in Africa Pushing Billions of Dollars Away from Continent
- Global Financial Integrity Remembers Nelson Mandela
- Why Bitcoin (& Other Cryptocurrencies) Will Inevitably Become Tools of the Rich, Powerful & Criminal
- Bitcoin and International Crime
- GFI Applauds David Cameron’s Historic Move to Establish Public Registries of UK Corporations
- GFI Welcomes House Bills to Return Rule of Law to U.S. Financial System, Expose Anonymous Shell Companies
- Following the Money: Tracking Illicit Cash Flows from Developing Countries
- Raymond Baker at the "Human Rights and Economic Justice: Essential Elements of the Post-MDG Agenda" Conference
- Money Laundering, Explained
- Reaction: Government Shutdown Delays Automatic Tax Information Sharing
- Lawyers Link Tax Evasion and Human Rights
- GFI Calls on World Bank to Prioritize Curtailing Illicit Financial Flows
- Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act Would Raise $220bln, Protect U.S. Taxpayers, Assist Developing Countries
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Discuss Money Laundering at CBC Event Featuring U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
- GFI Applauds G20 Commitment in Historic Crackdown on Tax Evasion
- To Stimulate Growth, G20 Should Prioritize Illicit Financial Flows at St. Petersburg Summit
- FACT Coalition Welcomes Introduction of Bill to End Anonymous Shell Companies
- GFI & Adriatic Institute Partner to Launch Study on Balkans’ Illicit Financial Flows: 1991-2011
- G20 Calls on All Jurisdictions to Implement Automatic Exchange of Tax Information
- New OECD Report on Tax Avoidance Lags Behind Global Transparency Movement
- Assessing David Cameron's G8 Agenda On Tax and Transparency
- GFI Disappointed by Court Decision to Vacate Key Extractives Transparency Rules
- White House, G8 Solidify Progress on Tax Evasion, Fail to Grasp Tax and Company Transparency Need
- GFI Calls on Obama, G8 to Require Public Registries of Corporate Owners, Curtail Illicit Flows
- GFI Praises EU, Canada for Moving Forward with Extractives Transparency
- The Problem With Tax Havens
- GFI Lauds UN Development Panel for Prioritizing the Curtailment of Illicit Financial Flows
- New AfDB-GFI Joint Report: Africa a Net Creditor to the Rest of the World
- Rapport Conjoint BAD-GFI : L’Afrique Pâtit de la Fuite des Capitaux
- EU Leaders Lauded for Moving Forward on Financial Transparency
- The Deauville [unequal] Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition
- Kofi Annan, Africa Progress Panel, Urge G8, G20 Members to Tackle Illicit Flows to Help Africa
- GFI Calls on U.S. Sen. Rand Paul to Drop Holds on FATCA Implementation Treaties
- There’s No Good Reason to Allow Secret Tax Havens
- Curtailing Illicit Financial Flows a Human Rights Imperative
- U.S. Senate Report: Tackle Money Laundering to Curtail Drug Trafficking
- David Cameron Calls for Abolishing Phantom Firms in Major Transparency Victory
- Ralph Lauren Allegedly Utilizes Trade Misinvoicing to Bribe Argentinean Customs Officials
- Bravo for Tunisia: Hope Springs Eternal
- G20 Makes Progress on Tax Haven Abuse, Automatic Tax Information Exchange
- Letter to the Editor: Further Inquiry and Action Needed on Banks and Tax Havens
- Tax Haven Menace Must Be Addressed by Congress
- Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act Would Protect U.S. Taxpayers, Curb Eurocrisis, Assist Developing Countries
- Multilateral Action in Europe a “Resounding Victory” for Taxpayers & Transparency Advocates
- GFI Applauds European Leaders for Strong Extractives Transparency Agreement
- GFI's Clark Gascoigne on Al Jazeera Discusses ICIJ's Offshore Leaks Investigation
- Post-2015 MDG Panel Highlights Need to Tackle Illicit Financial Flows, Tax Havens
- Globalisation, Illicit Financial Flows Widen Inequality
- Video: Raymond Baker Testifies before European Parliament Hearing
- Global Financial Integrity Praises Sen. Carl Levin as a “Champion” for Transparency, Accountability
- Patterns of Abuse: Are Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Failures at U.S. Banks a Political Will Issue?
- Video: Raymond Baker at Wilson Center Event on Illicit Financial Flows from Russia
- U.S. Should Follow E.U. Transparency Lead, Require Country-by-Country Reporting at Banks
- Russian Central Bank Chief Echoes GFI’s New Research on Illicit Financial Flows
- The Economist Calls on U.S., U.K., Developed Countries to Clean Up their Own Back Yard
- Russia Hemorrhages at Least US$211.5 Billion in Illicit Financial Outflows from 1994-2011 -New GFI Study
- FACT Coalition: Close Offshore Tax Loopholes, Save Taxpayers Nearly $200 billion
- Money Laundering and HSBC - How It Affects You
- Illicit Financial Flows: The Scourge of the Developing World
- New Report Finds Crime, Corruption, and Tax Evasion at Near-Historic Highs in 2010
- India Loses US$1.6 Billion in Black Money in 2010, Loses US$123 Billion from 2001-2010
- Zambia Lost $8.8 Billion in Illicit Outflows from 2001-2010, According to Forthcoming Report
- Ahead of Anti-Corruption Day, GFI Reviews the Major Developments of 2012
- Global Financial Integrity Calls for Tough Sanctions on HSBC by Regulators
- Plundering a Continent
- Civil Society Organizations Welcome Justice Department and SEC's Anti-Corruption Guidance
- Civil Society Welcomes U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Review
- GFI Applauds Treasury for Work Expanding FATCA toward Automatic Tax Information Exchange
- GFI Lauds SEC for Denying Stay Request from Oil Lobby Groups
- GFI Calls on SEC to Prevent Key Transparency Rules from Being Delayed by Lawsuits
- China: $4 Trillion in Dirty Money Should Worry Us All
- Raymond Baker Addresses Illicit Financial Flows at ASAP-Canada's Launch
- Chinese Economy Lost $3.79 Trillion in Illicit Financial Outflows Since 2000, Reveals New GFI Report
- Has the Anti-Money Laundering Crackdown Contributed to the Collapse of the Iranian Currency?
- Frank Vogl: Waging War on Corruption
- GFI to Host Book Launch: Waging War on Corruption by Frank Vogl
- Greece Lost $261 Billion in Illicit Financial Outflows from 2003-2011, GFI’s Baker Tells Der Spiegel
- Letter to the Editor: Secretive Shell Corporations
- SEC Adopts Transparency Rules for Landmark Extractives Industry Law
- Preview: Extractives Transparency Rules to Be Voted on by SEC Tomorrow
- Regarding Walmex: GFI Research Shows Mexico Loses $50 Bln Annually to Money Laundering, Tax Evasion
- GFI: Standard Chartered Settlement Insufficient to Deter Illicit Activity at International Banks
- Standard Chartered Charges Emblematic of Systemic Money Laundering Orchestrated by International Banking Community
- How Tax Holidays Contributed to the Fall of the Roman Empire
- After HSBC, GFI Calls For Regulators To Change The Incentives For The Financial Industry
- It’s Time to Seriously Tackle the Money Behind the Drug Cartels
- Media Advisory: Anti-Money Laundering Experts to Hold Press Conference Following Permanent Subcommit
- Tax Haven USA: New York Times Articles Expose Need to Abolish Anonymous U.S. Shell Companies
- Sloppy Journalism in The Economic Times ‘Riddled with Factual Errors’
- Players: The Role of Facilitators and Super-Fixers
- A More Comprehensive Understanding of Sustainable Development: GFI Sees Step Forward at Rio+20
- Light-Bulb Moment: G20 Coming to Terms with Illicit Flows, Commits to Automatic Information Exchange
- To Ensure Stability, G20 Should Tackle Tax Haven Secrecy, Curtail Illicit Financial Flows
- Illicit Funds from Mexico Find Safe Haven in U.S.
- Black Money, White Paper
- World Bank Takes Major Step towards Transparency in Publishing Sanctions Board Decisions
- Testimony by GFI's Tom Cardamone before U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Global Implications of Poaching
- GFI’s Tom Cardamone to Testify before Senate Regarding Global Security Implications of Poaching
- GFI Calls on G8 to Tackle Illicit Financial Flows at Camp David Summit
- CSOs, Business Groups Call on Congress to Support Incorporation Transparency, Ban US Shell Companies
- Letter to the Editor: Missed Their Chance To Say No to Bribery
- Apple Tax Dodging Tricks Emblematic of Problem Costing US $100bn, Poor Nations $1tr Annually
- GFI Welcomes New IRS Regulation To Help Clamp-Down On Tax Evasion
- Heywood Death Scandal Puts Focus on Illicit Financial Outflows from World’s 2nd Biggest Economy
- Letter to the Editor: Re: Tax Me If You Can
- Int'l Bar Association Forms Task Force Investigating Human Rights Implications of Illicit Financial Flows
- GFI Welcomes OECD Transfer Pricing Initiative, Notes Need for Developing Country Engagement
- GFI Advisory Board Member, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, to Be Nominated for World Bank Presidency
- GFI’s Heather Lowe to Speak on Panel Regarding Amendments to FCPA
- GFI Encourages Senators to Support Offshore Tax Amendment to Transportation Bill
- GFI Applauds Senate for Adopting Offshore Tax Amendment; Calls on House to Do Same
- Banks, Not Borders, Hold Immigration Key
- GFI Praises FATF Tax Evasion Crackdown, Disappointed in Failure to Address Anonymous Shell Companies
- Oil Industry Must Stop Supporting Secrecy, Say Financial Transparency and Anti-Poverty Groups
- U.S. Senate Bill Introduced to Crack Down on Offshore Tax Abuse
- Mexico Hemorrhages US$872 Billion to Crime, Corruption, Tax Evasion from 1970-2010
- Mexico Press Briefing: New Report on Illicit Financial Flows out of Mexico
- Over 30 NGOs Call on Congress to Refrain from Introducing Legislation Amending FCPA
- Outflows, Not Aid, Must Be Curtailed to Fight Poverty
- Make Tax Evasion Criminal Offence, Push for Other Reforms to Combat Black Money
- Despite Global Financial Crisis, Illicit Financial Outflows from Developing World Remain High
- Global Financial Integrity Honors Sen. Carl Levin with 2011 Annual Award for Exemplary Leadership
- Forthcoming Report Finds Philippines Lost US$142 Billion in Illicit Outflows from 2000-2009
- GFI Honors Sen. Carl Levin
- On International Anti-Corruption Day, the US Should Not Enable Corruption
- Amid Unrest in Moscow, Research Finds Russia Lost $501.3 Bln in Illicit Financial Flows from 2000-09
- Illicit Financial Outflows from Ethiopia Nearly Doubled in 2009 to US$3.26 Bln, Says New GFI Report
- Syria Lost US$23.6 Billion in Illicit Financial Outflows from 2000-2009, Says Forthcoming GFI Report
- House Bill Introduced to Crack Down on Abusive American Shell Companies
- G20 Commits to Addressing Illicit Financial Flows, Links Tax Haven Secrecy to Poverty
- Global Financial Integrity Urges G20 to End Tax Haven Secrecy in Cannes
- Global Financial Integrity Lauds U.S. Motion to Seize Kleptocrat’s Loot
- New World Bank/UNODC Report Calls for Incorporation Transparency, Money Laundering Review
- New European Guidelines Take Aim at Bribery, Fall Short of Tackling Tax Evasion
- G20 Finance Ministers’ Communiqué Leaves Much to Be Desired Ahead of Cannes Summit
- Open Government Partnership Launches with Pledge to Boost Transparency in Company Formation, Extractive Industries
- Congressional Legislation Bans Tax Strategy Patents
- Win Tickets to Opening Week Screenings of “Chasing Madoff” at Washington DC’s E Street Cinema
- As Swiss Approach U.K. Tax Deal, Reminders that Global Solution to Financial Opacity Still Needed
- Revamping Brazilian Tax Policy with Emphasis on "Fiscal Justice"
- Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act Introduced Today
- The Brightest Beacon: Reflections on the Tragedy in Norway
- As Debt Limit Deadline Approaches, Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act Targets $100 Billion in Lost Tax Revenue
- Lawmakers Fight to Protect Anonymity for Foreign Accountholders
- News Corp. Investigation Sheds New Light on U.S. Chamber of Commerce Attack of FCPA
- One Year Out, SEC Still Dragging its Feet on Key Anti-Corruption & Transparency Law
- Amidst Heated Budget Debate Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act Targets $100 Billion in Lost Tax Revenue
- GFI's Heather Lowe to Participate in Launch Event for Open Government Partnership
- UK Takes the Lead on Anti-Corruption
- Reuters Piece Exposes “Little Cayman on the Plains”
- Global Financial Integrity Director To Visit India this Week
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Under Attack
- 2011 OECD International Tax Conference in DC Addresses Illicit Financial Flows, Development
- Automatic Exchange of Tax Information Must be Addressed at OECD Global Forum
- GFI Director Delivers Remarks at 'Global Investors for Financial Transparency' in Oslo Today
- Treasury Hearing Wednesday on Anti-Money Laundering Banking Reform
- UNDP-Commissioned Report from Global Financial Integrity Now Available
- GFI Brings Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition to Website
- GFI Director in Denmark May 2-3; Will Speak Before DANIDA and Danish Parliament
- Follow the Money: Krishen Mehta on Capital Flight
- India's Budget 2011: Infrastructure Needs Huge Boost
- Campaigners Send Strong Message to G20 on Corruption
- Drugs, Guns, and Gold: The Criminal Scourge of the Developing World
- G20 Must End Tax Haven Secrecy, Campaigners Tell Sarkozy
- International Crime a $650 Billion Business Built on Poverty and Corruption in Developing World
- GFI Joins Professional & Civil Society Groups Urging Lawmakers to End Tax Strategy Patents
- Egypt Lost $57.2 Billion from 2000-2008
- The Cost of Corruption in Russia: US$427 Billion Lost from 2000-2008
- New Report Measures the Cost of Crime, Corruption, and Trade Mispricing on Developing Countries
- Corruption, Tax Evasion, Criminal Activity Cost Tunisia US$1.16 Billion Per Year From 2000-2008
- Finance and Civil Society Organizations Release Statement on Corporate Accountability, Transparency
- GFI Estimates Mexico Loses Over US$50 Billion Annually in Illicit Financial Outflows
- Statement from the Director of Global Financial Integrity on the Passing of George Vojta
- Eva Joly Receives 2010 Global Financial Integrity Award for Exemplary Leadership
- Keeping Commitments
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Under Fire
- On Anti-Corruption Day, a Look Back at 2010
- Eva Joly to Receive 2010 Global Financial Integrity Award for Exemplary Leadership
- The Rut in India's Economic Highway
- New Report Finds Illicit Capital Flight out of India US$462 Billion
- Global Financial Integrity Applauds Shareholder Initiative
- United States: Promote Global Financial Transparency at G20 Summit
- New GFI Blog Post Reveals Venezuela Lost Over US$33 Billion in Illicit Outflows in 2008
- India Lost over US$125 Billion in Illicit Outflows between 2000-2008
- Global Financial Integrity Profiled in Tax Notes International Magazine
- Delayed Implementation of UK Bribery Act Major Setback to Global Anti-Corruption Efforts, Says GFI
- New Law to Increase Transparency in Extractive Industries, Fight Corruption in Developing Countries
- Post G20 Toronto Summit Analysis
- G20 Committed to Meeting MDGs
- Financial Transparency: A National Security Imperative
- Global Financial Integrity Feature Stories in Print
- UN Panel Discussion: “Innovative Development Financing Initiatives Under Development”
- New Reporting Rules for Hong Kong Stock Exchange Will Improve Investment Climate, Transparency
- Levin-Merkley Amendment Would Shed Light on an Opaque Financial System, Says GFI
- On the Dirty Money Trail
- Behind the Greek Financial Crisis
- G20 Ministers Should Connect Link Between Illicit Financial Flows, Tax Havens, Poverty
- Former New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau Joins GFI Advisory Board
- Understanding and Combating Corruption in Africa
- $854 Billion Removed from Africa by Illicit Financial Flows from 1970 to 2008
- Report Finds US, UK, Cayman Lead Secrecy Jurisdictions as Top Locales for Private Deposits Offshore
- Passage of Jobs Bill with FATCA Provision Critical Step Toward Tackling Tax Evasion, Banking Secrecy
- New Report Finds Developing Country Governments Lose $100 Billion Annually Due to Trade Mispricing
- UK Plan to Fight Tax Evasion in Developing Countries Could Prevent Loss of $1 Trillion in IFFs
- GFI Launches "G20 Transparency" Campaign Calling on World Leaders to Fight Poverty
- EURODAD Joins Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development
- Financial Integrity Meets Human Rights
- GFI Releases "New Haven Declaration" as a Step Forward in the Fight For Human Rights
- Chile's Transfer Pricing Audit of Multinationals Could Yield Insight into Corporate Tax Evasion
- NGOs Call for Passage of Tax Extenders Bill, Cite Key Tax Evasion Measures
- On Sixth Annual International Anti-Corruption Day, GFI Weights Victories, Losses in 2009
- Illicit Money: Can It Be Stopped?
- Updating Incorporation Transparency Laws
- Further Steps Needed in Crackdown on Tax Evasion, Financial Secrecy Jurisdictions, Says GFI
- Capital Outflows from Developing Countries
- G20 Ministers Should Acknowledge Link between Illicit Financial Flows, Tax Havens, Poverty
- GFI Advisor Jack Blum to Testify Before Senate Homeland Security Committee on S. 569
- USA #1 in Ranking of World's Most Secretive Financial Jurisdictions
- Global Financial Integrity Statement on the Passing of James McDonald
- GFI Applauds G20 Commitment to End Bank Secrecy, Curtail IFFs from Developing Countries
- Pittsburgh G20 Process Must Tackle Banking Secrecy, Illicit Financial Flows
- Information Exchange Shortcomings in U.S.-Swiss Tax Agreement
- Task Force Conference: Increasing Transparency in Global Finance: A Development Imperative: Day Two
- Task Force Issues Statement to the G20 Following Two-Day Conference
- Senator Levin Addresses the 2009 Annual Task Force Conference
- Morgenthau Warns of Threats to National Security from Increasing Ties between Iran and Venezuela
- The Link between Iran and Venezuela: A Crisis in the Making?
- Global Financial Integrity Applauds Disclosure of Information on UBS Accounts
- GFI Recommends Continued Pursuit of Improved Information-Sharing, International Cooperation Following UBS Case Settlement
- GFI Recommends Continued Pursuit of Improved Information-Sharing
- Imminent Settlement Announced in Historic UBS Case
- Congressional Briefing Today on Tax Evasion, Banking Secrecy, and Improving Financial Transparency
- GFI Advisory Board Member to Chair European Parliament Committee on Development
- Global Financial Integrity Calls on UK Government to Withdraw Oxford Report
- Global Financial Integrity Recommends Strategy for Settlement in Historic UBS Case
- GFI Applauds G8 Commitment to Tackle Illicit Financial Flows, Create Financial Transparency
- Basel Institute on Governance Joins Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development
- Global Financial Integrity Decries Harassment, Intimidation of Cameroonian Journalist
- U.S. Justice is Not for Sale, DOJ Must Pursue Case against Swiss Bank UBS, Says GFI
- Norway Report Studies Tax Havens, Illicit Financial Flows from Developing World, Recommends Reforms
- Global Task Force Releases Recommendations for New Accounting System for Multinational Corporations
- La Política Tributaria Estadounidense en un Sistema Financiero Globalizado
- Global Financial Integrity Advisory Board Member Wins Seat in European Parliamentary Elections
- GFI Lead Economist Dev Kar to Visit India, Conduct High-Level Meetings, Interviews
- GFI Director Raymond Baker to Testify Before House Financial Services Committee
- Task Force Launches
- Christian Aid Newest Member of Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development
- Praise, Recommendations for President Obama's Plan for "Curbing Tax Havens"
- What We Actually Said
- How Much Cash Leaves India?
- European Commission Moves to Improve Transparency, Good Governance
- GFI Welcomes New Advisory Board Member
- India Shows Us the Curse of ‘Black Money’
- Illicit Financial Outflows from India $22 Billion-$27 Billion per Year
- Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Joins Task Force
- On Tax Day a Look Back, and What the Future Holds for Tax Dodgers and Banking Secrecy
- Is the Sun Setting on Tax Dodgers?
- G20 Must Combat Illicit Flight To Alleviate Poverty In Developing Countries
- G20 Reaction: Tax Havens and Secrecy Jurisdictions
- GFI Submits Statement and Signed Letter of Support for Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act to Congress
- Civil Society Groups Show Support for Congressional Action on Tax Havens
- For the G20 to Achieve Success, Transparency Must Triumph
- Increasing Transparency in the Global Financial System Must Be on G20 Agenda
- Government of Denmark Joins Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development
- GFI Welcomes Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act
- Transparency International Joins Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development
- Information Exchange, Reporting, Facilitating Due Diligence, Key to Increasing Transparency
- European Commission Move to Abolish Bank Secrecy Critical to Fighting Tax Evasion
- Transparency, Accountability Key to Restructuring of Global Financial System
- Transparency Key to Curtailing Abusive Offshore Tax Schemes
- Global Task Force Links Financial Integrity and Economic Development
- After an Historic Election, What a Barack Obama Presidency Might Mean for Tax Havens
- Tax Havens: The Hidden Hand in the Financial Crisis
- New Report Finds that Illicit Financial Flows out of the Developing World Overwhelm Foreign Aid
- Global Financial Integrity Welcomes New Advisory Board Member
- Increasing Financial Transparency Critical to Rescuing Global Economy, Says Global Financial Integrity
- Germany Calls for Addition of Switzerland to OECD Blacklist of Tax Havens
- UN Convenes High-Level Meetings on Africa, Millennium Development Goals
- GFI Applauds Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama’s Pledge to Close Corporate Loopholes, Tax Havens
- Democratic Republic of Congo Lost $15.5 Billion in Capital Flight Since 1980, According to GFI Report
- Legislative Action Needed to Tackle Scourge of Tax Evasion, Says Global Financial Integrity
- Tax Havens, Evasion to be Target of Senate Hearings, Investigation
- Curtailing Hundreds of Billion Lost in Capital Flight Critical as Global Food, Poverty Crisis Looms, Says Global Financial Integrity
- Illicit Financial Practices Face ‘Perfect Storm’ of Legal and Legislative Actions, Says Global Financial Integrity
- GFI Director Addresses Business Leaders on Changing Landscape for U.S. Banks, Business
- Tax Havens, Evasion to be Targeted by European and U.S. Lawmakers in Year Ahead
- GFI Attends Second Meeting of Norwegian-Led, International Task Force on Illicit Financial Flows and Their Impact on Development
- Norway, World Bank Partnership Critical in Fighting Illicit Financial Flows, Says Global Financial Integrity
- Global Financial Integrity Calls for United States to Support the European Union Tax Haven Crackdown
- Global Safeguards, Transparency, Key to Stemming Systemic Illicit Financial Flows
- Global Financial Integrity Lauds Tax Evasion Investigation; Urges Greater International Cooperation and Transparency
- Global Financial Integrity Lauds German Tax Evasion Investigation; Urges Greater International Cooperation and Transparency
- Global Financial Integrity Welcomes John Heimann to Advisory Board
- Global Financial Integrity Advisory Board Member to Attend UN Anti-Corruption Conference in Bali
- On Fourth Annual International Anti-Corruption Day, Global Financial Integrity Urges Action
- The Ugliest Chapter in Global Economic Affairs Since Slavery
- Illicit Financial Flows and their Impact on Development
- Global Financial Integrity Applauds World Bank Study on Illicit Financial Flows
- GFI Launches Nationwide Campaign to Curb Illicit Funds at U.S. Banks
- Take Dirty Money off the Table
- How Dirty Money Thwarts Capitalism's True Course
- How Dirty Money Binds the Poor
- Assessment of Beneficial Ownership Regime in Ghana
- Voluntary Carbon Credit Market in Colombia: An Analysis in Light of Transparency and Integrity
- Mapping of Illicit Financial Flows Risks Along the Supply Chain of Gold Mining in Ghana
- Uganda's Mining Legal Regime: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) Risks and Revenue Loss in the Mineral Supply Chain
- The Digital Asset Ecosystem in El Salvador: Challenges and Risks to Countercheck Financial Crime
- El ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador: riesgos y desafíos para contrarrestar delitos financieros
- Mercado Voluntario de Carbono en Colombia: un análisis a la luz de la transparencia e integridad
- Ghana's Open Secret: Why Dirty Money in The Real Estate Sector is a Reality, Not a Myth
- Trade Integrity: Inputs to the 4th Financing For Development Conference Elements Paper
- Belize Beneficial Ownership Registry: A Comprehensive Analysis of Current Practices
- Impact of the Beneficial Ownership Registry and Law on Extractives Sector in Tanzania
- Illicit Financial Flows Risks Related to Beneficial Ownership in the Mining Sector in Kenya.
- Money Laundering Risks in Commercial Real Estate: An Analysis of 25 Case Studies
- How Regional Frameworks can be Leveraged to Facilitate the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership Reforms at Regional and Country Levels.
- Curbing Illicit Financial Flows to Enhance Domestic Resource Mobilization: Leveraging Transfer Pricing Strategies to Close Tax Loopholes in Uganda.
- The Virtual Assets Ecosystem in El Salvador: Strengthening Financial Integrity and Transparency
- El ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador: Fortalecimiento de la integridad y la transparencia financiera
- Trade-Based Money Laundering in Uganda
- China in Our Backyard: How Chinese Money Laundering Organizations Enrich the Cartels
- Vessel Ownership, Trade Finance and Regulatory Compliance
- Trade-Based Money Laundering: A Global Challenge
- Private Investment Funds in Latin America: Money Laundering and Corruption Risks
- Financial Fraud in the Caribbean
- Cryptocurrencies: A Financial Crime Risk within Latin America and the Caribbean
- Everything Everywhere All At Once: Understanding the Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative on TBML and Illicit Supply Chains
- Made in China: China's Role in Transnational Crime and Illicit Financial Flows
- Trade-Based Financial Crime - Middle East and North Africa
- Blind Spots: How the Lack of Adequate Oversight in the World’s Growing Number of Free Trade Zones Facilitates Illicit Financial Flows
- Extortion in the Northern Triangle of Central America: Following the Money
- GFI Comments to the BRS-Kenya on the Review of the Beneficial Ownership Framework
- Corporate Transparency: A guide for beneficial ownership laws in Uganda
- OECD Global Tax Deal: Key Elements, Opportunities and Challenges
- GFI Comment Submission to FinCEN on ANPRM to Curb Illicit Financial Flows in the US Real Estate Sector
- As Strong as the Weakest Link
- Tan fuerte como el eslabón más débil
- Análisis de la resolución que reglamenta la creación y funcionamiento del registro de beneficiarios finales en Colombia: fortalezas y debilidades de cara a la implementación
- Colombia’s New Regulatory Framework for Beneficial Ownership: Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses
- Call for Submission of Comments: The Companies (Beneficial Ownership Information) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 – GFI Response
- Trade-Related Illicit Financial Flows in 134 Developing Countries 2009-2018
- Private Investments, Public Harm: How the Opacity of the Massive U.S. Private Investment Industry Fuels Corruption and Threatens National Security
- Congressional Testimony: From Timber to Tungsten: How the Exploitation of Natural Resources Funds Rogue Organizations and Regimes
- Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: Understanding Country Challenges and Designing Effective Technical Responses
- Emerging Threats to Cargo and Port Security
- Lavado de activos a montones: la razón por la cual el sector inmobiliario en los Estados Unidos es el sueño de todo cleptócrata
- Acres of Money Laundering: Why U.S. Real Estate is a Kleptocrat's Dream
- Congressional Testimony: Schemes and Subversion: How Bad Actors and Foreign Governments Undermine and Evade Sanctions Regimes
- The Macao Money Machine: Profit Shifting and Tax Leakage in Indonesia's Pulp Exports
- Recomendaciones para la Consolidación de un Enfoque de Beneficiarios Finales
- Una mirada a la facturación fraudulenta y el comercio internacional de madera en Colombia
- Out of the Woods: Trade Misinvoicing and Exports of Tropical Timber from Colombia
- Enhancing National Security by Reimagining FinCEN
- Illicit Financial Flows in Kenya
- Illicit Financial Flows in Uganda
- Hacia una minería de oro transparente en Colombia
- The Gold Standard: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector through Greater Transparency
- Policy Insight: The Future of Beneficial Ownership in the United States: Trade, Transportation, and National Security Implications
- Narcotics Proceeds in the Western Hemisphere: Analysis of Narcotics Related Illicit Financial Flows between the United States, Mexico, and Colombia
- تحليل تجاري: النفط والذهب - توصيات لتعزيز النزاهة التجارية في السودان
- Sudan and Trade Integrity
- Trade-Related Illicit Financial Flows in 135 Developing Countries: 2008-2017
- Flujos financieros ilícitos y Colombia
- Illicit Financial Flows & Colombia
- Egypt: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- Indonesia: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- India: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- The Library Card Project: The Ease of Forming Anonymous Companies in the United States
- Illicit Financial Flows to and from 148 Developing Countries: 2006-2015
- South Africa: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- Nigeria: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- A Scoping Study of Illicit Financial Flows Impacting Uganda
- Kenya: Potential Revenue Losses Associated with Trade Misinvoicing
- Illicit Financial Flows and the Illegal Trade in Great Apes
- Illicit Financial Flows to and from Developing Countries: 2005-2014
- Transnational Crime and the Developing World
- Accelerating the IFF Agenda for African Countries
- Financial Flows and Tax Havens: Combining to Limit the Lives of Billions of People
- Chancing It: How Secret Company Ownership is a Risk to Investors
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2004-2013
- Illicit Financial Flows: The Most Damaging Economic Condition Facing the Developing World
- Flight Capital and Illicit Financial Flows to and from Myanmar: 1960-2013
- Illicit Financial Flows and Development Indices: 2008–2012
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2003-2012
- Illicit Financial Flows, Human Rights, and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Brazil: Capital Flight, Illicit Flows, and Macroeconomic Crises, 1960-2012
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Trade Misinvoicing and the Impact of Revenue Loss in Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda: 2002-2011
- Illicit Financial Flows to and from the Philippines: A Study in Dynamic Simulation, 1960-2011
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2011
- Illicit Financial Flows and the Problem of Net Resource Transfers from Africa: 1980-2009
- Russia: Illicit Financial Flows and the Underground Economy
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2001-2010
- Illicit Financial Flows from China and the Role of Trade Misinvoicing
- Mexico: Illicit Financial Flows, Macroeconomic Imbalances, and the Underground Economy
- Illicit Financial Flows from the Developing World Over the Decade Ending 2009
- Illicit Financial Flows from the Least Developed Countries 1990-2008
- Transnational Crime in the Developing World
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2000-2009
- The Drivers and Dynamics of Illicit Financial Flows from India: 1948-2008
- The Absorption of Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2006
- Illicit Financial Flows from Africa: Hidden Resource for Development
- Privately Held, Non-Resident Deposits in Secrecy Jurisdictions
- The Implied Tax Revenue Loss from Trade Mispricing
- Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2006
- Capital Flight from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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