Global Financial Integrity

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Global Financial Integrity and the National Customs Service of Chile signed a cooperation agreement to combat organized crime and strengthen transparency.

The initiative represents an important step in building a more secure, equitable and integral international trade. WASHINGTON D.C. December 10, 2024 (@IllicitFlows) Global Financial Integrity and the National Customs Service of Chile have signed a Cooperation Agreement...

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Global Financial Integrity y el Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Chile firman un Convenio de Cooperación para combatir el crimen organizado y fortalecer la transparencia

La iniciativa representa un paso importante en la construcción de un comercio internacional más seguro, equitativo e íntegro. WASHINGTON D.C. diciembre 10, 2024 (@IllicitFlows) Global Financial Integrity y Servicio Nacional de Aduanas de Chile han firmado un...

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Actividad ilícita en el sector maderero de Chile

A pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno, la tala ilegal ha sido un problema importante en Chile durante varias décadas, causando una variedad de problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos. Según el Banco Mundial, la tala ilegal en...

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Informe Revela Que La Corrupción Es El Delito Financiero Más Prevalente En América Latina Y El Caribe, A Pesar De Los Grandes Esfuerzos Para Controlarla

WASHINGTON D.C. – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) presenta un importante análisis, resultado de entrevistas y encuestas con más de 250 expertos en crímenes financieros de América Latina y el Caribe. La investigación revela que los países de...

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In-Depth Analysis Finds Corruption Most Prevalent Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean Despite Efforts to Address It

Global Financial Integrity is pleased to present a comprehensive survey of 250 financial crime experts in Latin America and the Caribbean. The survey shows that countries in the region need to address significant weaknesses in their effort to combat money laundering if corruption, which generates massive illegal proceeds, is to be curtailed.

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Global Investors Making Transparency Possible

By Brooke Tunstall Corporate tax avoidance is an open secret in the world of multinational enterprises. Hiding behind loose laws and revenue reporting standards around the globe, these international corporations obscure profits and losses to a degree...

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Trade Misinvoicing in Chile

By Sue Ryu In resource rich, commodity-dependent developing nations such as Chile, the issue of trade misinvoicing is not only highly prevalent, but of great negative consequence for public welfare. Chile ranks on the higher end of...

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Trade Integrity and Solutions to Covid-19

Over the last couple of weeks, the rate of Covid-19 infections has flattened in most of the Global North, while the opposite has happened in the Global South. Indeed, according to data from the World Health Organization...

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