Global Financial Integrity

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Informe Revela Que La Corrupción Es El Delito Financiero Más Prevalente En América Latina Y El Caribe, A Pesar De Los Grandes Esfuerzos Para Controlarla

WASHINGTON D.C. – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) presenta un importante análisis, resultado de entrevistas y encuestas con más de 250 expertos en crímenes financieros de América Latina y el Caribe. La investigación revela que los países de...

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In-Depth Analysis Finds Corruption Most Prevalent Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean Despite Efforts to Address It

Global Financial Integrity is pleased to present a comprehensive survey of 250 financial crime experts in Latin America and the Caribbean. The survey shows that countries in the region need to address significant weaknesses in their effort to combat money laundering if corruption, which generates massive illegal proceeds, is to be curtailed.

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