Speaking Engagements
GFI staff are pleased to participate in a variety of speaking engagements–from panels, roundtables, and webinars to podcasts and even more–online, in the U.S., and around the world.
Money laundering: Latest trends and best practice in detection
July 15, 2021
In this webinar, hosted by ICA and GFI, we will explore the latest money laundering methods, examine emerging trends and best practice in AML and CDD to counter the threats, and look at the role of the FIU and Industry in this effort, with a particular focus on FinCEN. Tom Cardamone will share the results of a recent GFI research paper on the matter.
FinCrime Virtual Week: Agents of Innovation
August 2, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar will present at a panel titled “Slipping the Sanctions Net – The Evolution of Sanction Evasion Techniques” which will explore the unique challenges of dealing with sanctions evasion. Not only are fincrime professionals facing off against the usual slate of organized crime rings, cybercriminals and terrorist financiers, but also entire nations with vast resources at their disposal. In response, compliance professionals must be comprehensive and creative when confronting sanctions risks, starting with understanding the diverse techniques and methods used by different types of sanctions evaders. It’s not all fake names and shell companies – sophisticated actors take advantage of every avenue they can, from so-called “golden visas” to investment opportunities. In this session, an expert on illicit finance shares insights on the tricks of the trade for sanctions evaders, from real estate to global trade transactions, while a senior compliance professional gives guidance on methods for detection at financial institutions.
50th Meeting of the Group of Experts for the control of Money Laundering (GELAVEX)
July 14, 2021
Tom Cardamone spoke on a panel at GELAVEX regarding Challenges in due diligence and compliance procedures in times of Pandemic. Cardamone will discuss illicit financial flows derived from and fueled by the pandemic, specifically regarding counterfeit vaccines and how governments can facilitate trade of vaccines while preventing illicit trade.
Asia AML/CFT 3rd Annual Summit 2021, “Detecting Trade-Based Illicit Financial Flows”
July 6, 2021
Channing Mavrellis spoke on Detecting Trade-Based Illicit Financial Flows at this summit. The Fintelekt Asia AML/CFT 3rd Annual Summit 2021 brought together AML/CFT experts, regulators, practitioners and suppliers from across the globe to discuss relevant issues in the region.
The Many Faces of Corruption
June 28, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar spoke at this event which discussed the inter dependencies of corruption with criminal activity and terrorism and how those activities revolve around money laundering, the abuse of trust at the heart of corruption, and broke down the problem, the challenge, and the solution.
Global Corruption Challenges: The need for transparency, training, and effective laws
June 24, 2021
Tom Cardamone spoke on this panel which discussed the challenges of global corruption from various perspectives including, regulatory, enforcement, advocacy, and global impact.
El Patrón del Mal: Radiografía de los Flujos Financieros del Narcotráfico entre EE.UU. y Latinoamérica
June 23, 2021
Julia Yansura presentó un análisis de los flujos financieros ilícitos relacionado con los narcóticos entre Estados Unidos, México y Colombia. En un informe encargado por la Comisión de Políticas de Drogas del Hemisferio Occidental de EE.UU. como parte de su mandato de evaluar las políticas y programas de drogas de EE.UU. en América Latina y el Caribe, GFI evalúa los esfuerzos actuales para reducir el suministro de drogas ilícitas y abordar los daños asociados con el tráfico y el abuso de drogas. Ver el tema del tráfico de drogas a través de la lente del delito financiero abre una serie de opciones de política, muchas de las cuales están infrautilizadas actualmente. GFI argumenta que el ALD / CFT está subutilizado en los esfuerzos actuales de lucha contra las drogas de los Estados Unidos y la región y debe volver a priorizarse.
“Schemes and Subversion: How Targets of Sanctions Undermine and Evade Sanctions Regimes”
June 16, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar gave testimony at this House subcommittee hearing on how bad actors evade sanctions and what can be done to decrease the likelihood of evasion. Kumar shared information regarding: who is targeted by sanctions (i.e., governments, individuals, entities, and sectors) and geopolitical issues relevant to sanctions evasion; why the targets of sanctions evade them and the effect that evasion has on foreign policy and national security goals; the array of methods used to evade sanctions, including the use of anonymous shell companies, gold smuggling, shipping schemes, trade-based money laundering, counterfeiting and counterfeit goods, and financial crime like ransomware, and cryptocurrency use.
International finance: Still fit for a post-pandemic world?
June 8, 2021
As nations start to rebuild their economies, Channing Mavrellis spoke on this panel which explored whether the global financial system is still fit for needs and characteristics of the global economy. How can we reconfigure the global financial system to ensure that a comprehensive, inclusive post-pandemic economic recovery? What financial instruments, products, services and market infrastructure do we need to direct attention towards social infrastructure? What global financial regulations do we need to ensure stability and fairness of the global financial system?
Perspectiva Internacional: Delito de Corrupción en el Perú
May 28, 2021
En este webinario presentaremos un conciso panorama sobre cuál es la percepción internacional del delito de corrupción en el Perú, donde analizaremos algunas de las estrategias, mecanismos y mejores prácticas que pueden servir para reforzar los controles y mitigar los riesgos de que una organización quede involucrada en eventos de corrupción.
Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa Technical Roundtable
May 20, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar spoke on a technical roundtable on beneficial ownership transparency in Africa hosted by Open Government Partnership (OGP), Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Open Ownership.
The technical roundtable brought together technical officials from government agencies working on beneficial ownership transparency, business representatives, civil society and media representatives, members of EITI national multi-stakeholder groups (MGS), national secretariats and OGP multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs). Participants of the session will build their technical capacity by sharing best practices and accessing practical tools to support implementation, address legal barriers, improve quality data collection and enhance options of data usage by stakeholders.
Julia Yansura presenté en este webinario por ACFCS. El webinario abordaré la realidad de la industria extractiva en América Latina, y los diferentes avances que se vienen adelantando a nivel institucional para fortalecer las vulnerabilidades de este sector frente a la actividad criminal. También, se analizarán diferentes tipologías y casos en los que se han incautado estos bienes, y las formas más recurrentes de comercialización fraudulenta: compañías fantasmas y transporte humano, entre otros.
Channing Mavrellis spoke on a panel hosted by the World Wildlife Fund’s Targeting Natural Resource Corruption Project.
Corruption is a significant facilitator behind illegal logging, timber laundering, and associated international trade, undermining efforts to conserve and sustainably use forest resources. Under the Targeting Natural Resource Corruption project, researchers are developing new evidence on factors that can affect the success and failure of anti-corruption interventions in the biodiversity and natural resource management space. Join us for a presentation of new research findings from an examination of trade data on timber from Peru, and discussion of the implications and potential applications of this and similar research. This event will share insights on how trade data is being used to “follow the money” and find discrepancies that indicate possible illicit financial flows and associated corruption.
Julia Yansura era panelista principal en este webinar organizado por la Asociación de Especialistas Certificados en Delitos Financieros (ACFCS). En este se abordará la realidad de la industria extractiva en América Latina, y los diferentes avances que se vienen adelantando a nivel institucional para fortalecer las vulnerabilidades de este sector frente a la actividad criminal. También, se analizarán diferentes tipologías y casos en los que se han incautado estos bienes, y las formas más recurrentes de comercialización fraudulenta: compañías fantasmas y transporte humano, entre otros.
Julia Yansura soke at an ACFCS webinar titled “Illegal, informal and legal mining in Latinamerica: linkages with money laundering and other criminal activities”. She will be joined on the panel by Andrés Martínez Fernández, a researcher and consultant working on transnational crime, public policies and money laundering. They will discuss extractive industries issues in Latin America and efforts to address the sector’s financial crime vulnerabilities.
Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa Technical Roundtable
May 20, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar spoke on a technical roundtable hosted by Open Government Partnership (OGP), Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and Open Ownership on beneficial ownership transparency in Africa. This roundtable aims to bring together technical officials from government agencies working on beneficial ownership transparency, business representatives, civil society and media representatives, members of EITI national multi-stakeholder groups (MGS), national secretariats and OGP multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs). Participants of the session will build their technical capacity by sharing best practices and accessing practical tools to support implementation, address legal barriers, improve quality data collection and enhance options of data usage by stakeholders.
Flujos Financieros Ilícitos en el Comercio Internacional: TBML y Facturación Comercial Fraudulenta
May 11, 2021
Julia Yansura and Claudia Helms provided an in-depth training on TBML for La Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera del Instituto Costarricense sobre Drogas and participants in Costa Rica. Register for this training now.
Julia Yansura y Claudia Helms presentarán una capacitación sobre aspectos clave para la prevención de lavado de dinero a través de comercio (TBML) para La Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera del Instituto Costarricense sobre Drogas y participantes en Costa Rica. Registra para el evento ahora.
VII Congreso Centroamericano de Prevención de Lavado de Activos y Delitos Financieros que organiza INVERCASA en Nicaragua
April 28, 2021
Julia Yansura será oradora en el VII Congreso Centroamericano de Prevención de Lavado de Activos y Delitos Financieros que se llevará a cabo del 28 al 30 de abril de 2021. En este evento, Julia dará la charla magistral del 28 de abril en la que hablará sobre flujos financieros ilícitos a través del comercio internacional.
Julia Yansura will be speaking at the VII Central American Congress on Money Laundering and Financial Crime Prevention. She will provide the keynote address on the first day of the event, addressing illicit financial flows within the context of international trade.
Flujos Financieros Ilícitos en el Comercio Internacional: TBML y Facturación Comercial Fraudulenta
April 6, 2021
Julia Yansura and Claudia Helms provided an in-depth training on TBML for Unidad de Análisis Financiero y Económic de Ecuador (UAFE) and over 700 participants in Ecuador.
Julia Yansura y Claudia Helms presentaron una capacitación sobre aspectos clave para la prevención de lavado de dinero a través de comercio (TBML) para Unidad de Análisis Financiero y Económic de Ecuador (UAFE) y más de 700 participantes en Ecuador.
CONVERSATION: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector through Greater Transparency
March 10, 2021
Julia Yansura joined a conversation with Shirish Pathak, the Managing Director of Fintelekt Advisory Services. They discussed the recently launched report by GFI called The Gold Standard: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector through Greater Transparency. The report was launched in collaboration with Cedetrabajo and the Alliance for Responsible Mining.
PANEL MODERATOR: Technology and public-private partnerships
March 1, 2021
Tom Cardamone moderated a panel exploring the impact of technology in fighting financial crime and discussing its use to deepen and strengthen public-private partnerships.
Policy Dialogue: Illicit finance: A transatlantic challenge
February 25, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar joined a discussion hosted by the European Policy Centre on how the financial system should be reformed and how the US and EU can best work together to tackle illicit finance.
PODCAST: Illicit Gold
February 23, 2021
Julia Yansura joined the “Bribe, Swindle or Steal” podcast from TRACE to discuss the role that gold plays in illicit financial flows worldwide, exacerbating problems from money laundering to sanctions violations.
PANEL: “Sanctions, AML and illicit trade – where does the region’s priorities lie?”
February 16, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar joined a panel at GTR MENA 2021 to discuss the geopolitical shifts of 2020 and what the implications of a new US administration may be for Middle East trade and national security. This special interactive session considered some of the leading issues around this, from likely changes to the robust sanctions regime and potential impact on Iran, alongside the ramifications of a more multilateralist US approach when it comes to Chinese influence across the region. The discussion also considered new approaches to the issue of financial crime, as international pressure mounts and greater attention is paid by regulators to the need for more effective measures against sanctions violations, money laundering and illicit trade.
PODCAST: Corruption, Trade-Based Crime and the Need for Transparency
February 4, 2021
Tom Cardamone joined the AML RightSource podcast to discuss the worldwide challenges of preventing illicit financial flows and how beneficial ownership reporting requirements will greatly assist law enforcement as they battle this global scourge.
PANEL: “Thought Leader’s Year in Review – Top Trends and Events from Top Minds”
January 26, 2021
Lakshmi Kumar served as a panelist for a panel at the Association of Certified Crime Specialists Event “Back to the Future of FinCrime.” The panel reflected on 2020 and gave lessons learned to carry into 2021. The session explored the long-term changes to financial crime compliance programs spurred by the global pandemic, key risk areas and trends among bad actors, and regulatory and policy developments over the past year, among other topics.
PANEL: Lessons from Global Investigations and Other Non-Regional Cases
December 8, 2020
Tom Cardamone spoke on a panel at the Conference on Corruption, Compliance and Cybercrime co-hosted by the Caribbean Development Bank and the World Bank. This panel discussed Money Laundering in the Caribbean.
SPEAKER: South Asia AML/CFT 10th Annual Summit 2020
December 8, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar delivered remarks on trade based money laundering at Fintelekt’s 2020 South Asia Summit.
PANEL: Expanding the Case for BOT: Bringing Business and Trade to the Table
December 4, 2020
Julia Yansura, Lakshmi Kumar and Channing Mavrellis spoke on a panel at the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Conference. The workshop aimed to bring together civil society, government, and the private sector to explore ways of expanding the use case for beneficial ownership data (BO) to contexts outside of the financial system. The panel discussed techniques for data analysis and advocacy as well as ongoing BO advocacy efforts and current regulatory practices.
PANEL: Technology and Trade Based Financial Crime
December 3, 2020
Tom Cardamone joined this panel at the “2020 Annual Trade Finance & Compliance Conference | Americas & Europe” to discuss GFTrade.
PANEL: “Free Trade Zones & Economic Crime”
December 3, 2020
Rick Rowden participated in this panel at the “2020 Annual Trade Finance & Compliance Conference | Americas & Europe” to discuss GFI’s forthcoming report on Free Trade Zones (FTZs) and the lack of customs oversight.
WORKSHOP: Private Investment Funds and Corruption: A Peak into the $14 Trillion Dollar Black Box
November 30, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar participated in this workshop which aimed to expose some of the corruption and money laundering issues posed by opacity in the private investment fund sector and identify specific recommendations for tackling the opacity that undermines security, and economic stability. The panel also identified how opacity in the sector exacerbates health and economic problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
WEBINAR: Financial Crimes Task Force Webinar
November 13, 2020
Julia Yansura joined a panel to discuss the “epidemic” of crime and corruption in Central America. This panel addressed the criminal elements impacting the effectiveness of governments in dealing with various challenges in trade and governance. It also described the influence of dirty money used in bribes and kickbacks to government officials and the resulting impact of corruption of governments allowing criminal networks to operate in the open, sometimes even taking on the function of government itself.
PANEL: Trade Based Illicit Financial Flow in the Caribbean
November 12, 2020
Julia Yansura spoke on this panel at the Jamaican Bankers Association’s and Jamaican Institute of Financial Services’ Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism Virtual Conference
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: Taller virtual // El papel de la minería en la reactivación económica: análisis desde la óptica fiscal a nivel mundial
November 11, 2020
Julia Yansura spoke at this virtual workshop presented by Cedetrabajo on illicit financial flows. She discussed how IFFs work, who they affect and how much they are worth from a global viewpoint.
PANEL: Ownership without disclosure and financial crime
November 10, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar participated in a panel as part of the 24 hour Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime Conference. This panel discussed requirements for financial institutions to retain various records of customer transactions, verify customers’ identity, maintain effective AML programs, and report suspicious transactions. FinCEN relies on a variety of financial regulators and agencies to help oversee and monitor financial institutions’ compliance.
PANEL: Regional Mentorship Series: International Security w/ Latin American Focus
August 24, 2020
Julia Yansura spoke as part of a panel presented by Women in International Security. This panel discussed careers in international security with a Latin America focus.
PANEL: Dubai and Global Illicit Financial Flows
August 20, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar spoke on a panel led by The American Interest Editor-at-Large Ben Judah along with Jodi Vittori, Karen Greenaway, and Matthew T. Page, whose hard-hitting report on global corruption was recently published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
WEBINAR: Illicit Gold Trade and TBML Policy Options
July 21, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar led part two of this webinar series with the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists. This webinar discussed the policy options for the U.S. government and the private sector to address the risks of TBML in the illicit gold trade and the effectiveness of ongoing policy measures. The webinar was attended by more than 1600 people.
Lakshmi Kumar led a two-part webinar with the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists. This webinar looked at the use of trade data and other financial tools to examine how the illicit trade in gold can be more effectively understood and tracked. Through a combination of the country and company level export data, the webinar showed investigative techniques to identify trade-based money laundering risks, as well as other red flag indicators of heightened money laundering risks. This event was attended by more than 800 people.
Digital Forum: Open Government Partnership’s Open Response and Open Recovery
May 14, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar spoke at this Digital Forum to discuss organizational approach to anti-corruption work during COVID-19
SPEAKER: Detecting and Countering Trade-Related Illicit Financial Flows
March 11, 2020
Channing Mavrellis spoke at the Port of the Future Conference in Houston, Texas hosted by the Energy Conference Network.
Tom Cardamone spoke on this panel at the UN Statistical Commission to discuss using data to track SDG16 progress. This objective of the session was to advance the monitoring and implementation of SDG16+ with new data and guidance for policy makers and civil society. It provided an opportunity to share tools, approaches and knowledge products that have been developed and tested by civil society, by member states and by UN agencies that will help to fill critical evidence and data gaps in understanding progress on SDG 16.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: 2020 Merchant Acquirers’ Committee Conference Keynote Opening Address
March 4, 2020
Channing Mavrellis gave the keynote opening address at the 2020 Merchant Acquirers’ Committee Conference in Las Vegas. MAC is the premiere payments risk conference, leading the field in addressing and combating risk.
Guest Lecture: George Washington University
February 26, 2020
President and CEO Tom Cardamone gave a guest lecture for the IAFF 2093 Africa, Problems and Prospects class taught by Professor Daniel Whitman. This class taught students about illegal trade, IFFs and the development impact.
PANEL: Hide and Seek in a Global Context: Tax Evasion
February 25, 2020
Policy Director Lakshmi Kumar spoke on a panel at the GW Innovation in Business and Finance Law Conference.
WEBINAR: Trade-Based Money Laundering: Emerging Risks and Mitigation Strategies
February 5, 2020
Lakshmi Kumar spoke at a webinar presented by Fintelekt to discuss trends in trade mis-invoicing, prevalent and emerging areas of risk within TBML, challenges in detecting TBML activities, growing regulatory expectations and mitigation strategies that need to be put in place by banks.
PANEL: “Illicit Financial Flows & Illicit Trade”
February 4, 2020
Tom Cardamone presented at the UNCTAD and TRACIT Illicit Trade Forum. This panel presented the latest developments in relation to the SDG indicator and the different methodologies available to measure and monitor illicit financial flows and their impacts