In Colombia, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) engages civil society, journalists, government agencies and multi-lateral institutions to advocate for a more transparent and robust financial and trade system. Specifically, GFI’s work in Colombia has looked at issues surrounding illicit financial flows, corruption, natural resource crime and trade misinvoicing. To raise awareness around these issues and their impacts, GFI has worked with partner organizations to conduct analysis, produce factsheets and reports, organize events, and create videos.
Como parte de nuestro trabajo de incidencia, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) trabaja de la mano con la sociedad civil, medios de comunicación, gobiernos e instituciones multi-laterales para lograr un sistema financiero y comercial más transparente y robusto. Específicamente el trabajo de GFI se ha enfocado en flujos financieros ilícitos, corrupción, crímenes relacionados con el medio ambiente y facturación fraudulenta. Para generar mayor conciencia e impactar positivamente alrededor de estas problemáticas, GFI trabaja de la mano de organizaciones de base en el país con las que actualmente produce análisis, informes y reportes, así como eventos y videos para movilizar la opinión pública y los tomadores de decisión en la región.
GFI has produced three recent reports on Colombia, “Illicit Financial Flows and Colombia,” “The Gold Standard: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector Through Greater Transparency,” and the Trade Advisory “Out of the Woods: Trade Misinvoicing and Exports of Tropical Timber from Colombia,” These reports serve as an important evidence base for our advocacy work.
Read the reports here:
- “Colombia’s New Regulatory Framework for Beneficial Ownership: Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses”
- “Out of the Woods”
- “The Gold Standard”
- “Illicit Financial Flows and Colombia”
Lee nuestros informes aquí:
- “Análisis de la resolución que reglamenta la creación y funcionamiento del registro de beneficiarios finales en Colombia: fortalezas y debilidades de cara a la implementación”
- “Una mirada a la facturación fraudulenta y el comercio internacional de madera en Colombia ”
- “Hacia una minería de oro transparente en Colombia”
- “Flujos financieros ilícitos y Colombia”
- “Recomendaciones para la Consolidación de un Enfoque de Beneficiarios Finales”
GFI has also produced fact sheets looking at why financial transparency is important in the local context. These fact sheets address topics such as Beneficial Ownership, Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and Trade Misinvoicing, drawing from real-life examples to advocate for larger policy changes.
Download the PDFs here:
- Beneficial Ownership & Colombia
- Illicit Financial Flows and Environmental Justice in Colombia
- Illicit Financial Flows and Human Rights in Colombia
- Illicit Financial Flows and Trade Misinvoicing in Colombia
- Q&A’s About Colombia’s Beneficial Ownership Bill
En Colombia, GFI ha producido información clave sobre la importancia de la transparencia financiera para el desarrollo del país. Estos documentos ofrecen datos relevantes sobre beneficiarios finales, justicia ambiental, derechos humanos y facturación fraudulenta, y aportan ejemplos reales sobre cómo incidir en las políticas públicas y en las discusiones públicas para lograr cambios y avances en estas problemáticas.
Descarga el PDF aquí:
- Beneficiarios finales en Colombia: Necesidades y oportunidades en políticas públicas
- Los flujos financieros ilícitos y la justicia ambiental en Colombia.
- Flujos financieros ilícitos y derechos humanos en Colombia
- Los flujos financieros ilícitos y la facturación comercial fraudulenta en Colombia
- ABC del proyecto del ley sobre beneficiarios finales en Colombia
Webinar: What Steps Can Governments Take to Prevent Crypto-Related Financial Crimes?
March 29, 2023
Global Financial Integrity and the Vance Center will host a panel with experts from the region to discuss how governments can implement effective measures to prevent money laundering in the crypto ecosystem. The panel will address policy solutions for governments as well a measures that can be implemented in conjunction with the private sector, financial institutions and civil society
September 27, 2022
Global Financial Integrity and Fundación SES will present a two-panel conference on corporate and tax transparency, including international cases, lessons learned and strategies going forward.
International seminar: “Beneficial ownership a transregional and cross-cutting view”
June 24, 2021
GFI hosted a panel regarding the design of a beneficial ownership policy in Colombia, recent developments, progress and challenges. Panelists addressed about why it is important to identify the real or “beneficial” owners of companies as a strategy for corporate transparency, social equity and economic development.
The event had three panels focused on Colombia, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the international context.
May 24, 2021
Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in partnership with the association of Colombian investigative journalists, Consejo de Redacción (CdR), will be offering a virtual training on illicit financial flows, among other topics, for members of the organization from May 24-26, 2021.
A Clean Cut: Addressing Informality and Illegality in the Colombian Timber Sector
April 8, 2021
GFI will host a discussion on the drivers of deforestation in Colombia and what can be done to strengthen environmental protection. Our panel of experts will address transparency strategies, trade integrity, regulatory approaches, and private sector initiatives to strengthen supply chain integrity. GFI’s Channing Mavrellis will present new research from an upcoming Trade Advisory “Out of the Woods: Trade Misinvoicing and Exports of Tropical Timber from Colombia.”
The Gold Standard: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector through Greater Transparency
February 10, 2021
GFI was joined by more than 200 participants for a presentation of new research on gold mining in Colombia. Julia Yansura and John Cassara from Global Financial Integrity, Mario Valencia from Cedetrabajo, Jose Manuel Ochoa from the Humboldt Institute and Natalia Gonzalez from Alliance for Responsible mining discussed their research from the report, The Gold Standard: Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Colombian Gold Sector through Greater Transparency. This event examined the impacts gold mining in Colombia has on local mining communities, the environment and trade. In particular, it focused on why the mining sector is vulnerable to illicit financial flows and what policy solutions can be implemented related to supply chain transparency, formalization and beneficial ownership.
Capítulo 1: Los Beneficiarios Finales/The Beneficial Owners | GFI, Colombia
¿Quiénes son los beneficiarios finales ? ¿Es posible combatir el lavado de activos y la corrupción identificándolos?
Expertos y directores de entidades como la DIAN y la Superintendencia Financiera nos cuentan por qué Colombia debe seguir avanzando en mecanismos para identificarlos.
We’re pleased to share the first of three videos in our series “Colombia: Challenges to Creating a More Transparent Society” that explores the concept of Beneficial Ownership in Colombia through expert interviews.
What is Beneficial Ownership? How can we combat money laundering and corruption by identifying the Beneficial Owners of companies? Experts and top policymakers from DIAN Colombia & Financial Superintendence explain why Colombia should move forward with beneficial ownership transparency.
Capítulo 2: El Estado y las instituciones/The State and Institutions
En nuestra segunda entrega de la serie “Colombia: retos y desafíos para una sociedad más transparente” los expertos de la DIAN, la Superintendencia Financiera y la UIAF nos cuentan qué necesita el país para consolidar un registro de beneficiarios finales y cuáles son las entidades qué deberían regularlo. Y usted ¿ya sabe por qué identificar a los dueños reales de las empresas es clave para la lucha contra el lavado y la transparencia?
In the second of our video series on financial transparency in Colombia, experts from DIAN, the Financial Superintendence and UIAF explain why Beneficial Ownership is important, what steps need to be taken, and why it’s important to involve a variety of government agencies. Check out the video and learn more about how identifying the real people behind legal entities can help combat money laundering and promote transparency.
Capítulo 3: El sector cafetero, un caso de transparencia y trazabilidad
Nuestra serie de videos “Colombia: retos y desafíos para una sociedad más transparente” aborda los avances de Colombia alrededor de beneficiarios finales y los puntos clave para su implementación. En su tercera entrega, presentamos cómo este enfoque de transparencia es clave para las empresas desde el sector cafetero, insignia de la economía colombiana.
“Colombia: Challenges to Creating a More Transparent Society” addresses Colombia’s progress with Beneficial Ownership and the key points for implementation. In the third installment, we discuss the importance of transparency for companies in the coffee sector, the flagship sector of the Colombian economy.
Not all that Glitters is Gold: The Gold Standard in Colombia
In 2019, Colombia exported over 52 metric tons of gold worth an estimated US$1.8 billion to trading partners worldwide. As such, gold represents an important resource for the country, as well as an economic livelihood for many. But greater transparency is needed to ensure supply chain integrity.
Watch our video to learn more about the importance of transparency and integrity in the Colombian gold sector.
No todo lo que brilla es oro, por una minería de oro transparente en Colombia
En Colombia no todo lo que brilla es oro. El país está dejando de percibir millones de dólares debido al comercio ilegal y la facturación fraudulenta del metal precioso. En Global Financial Integrity queremos que el oro realmente brille para Colombia… Pero ¿cómo hacerlo?… Este video explora los caminos hacia la transparencia que tiene el país para hacer de este sector un buen aliado de la economía, las comunidades mineras y los consumidores.