Global Financial Integrity



How Uganda’s New Director of Public Prosecutions Can Tackle Corruption and Illicit Financial Flows

Kampala Uganda by Sarine Arslanian on Shuttershock

With a new head of prosecutions, Uganda has the chance to crack down on organized criminal networks that have made Uganda a safe haven for illicit activity. On April 24, 2020, Ugandan President Museveni appointed Hon. Justice...

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Money Laundering Matters (and Law Enforcement is Failing)

Photo by Mike Balbus on Unsplash

by John A. Cassara John Cassara is a former US Treasury Special Agent and is on the Board of Directors of Global Financial Integrity. He has written numerous articles and books on money laundering and threat finance....

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A Piece of the Puzzle: Building Sudan’s Economic Future

Sunset on the Nile, Sudan via Shuttershock

As Sudan’s transitional government works to extricate itself from decades of mismanagement, civil strife and corruption it faces hydralike challenges before it will be able to stabilize the economy and provide adequate services to its beleaguered populace....

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It’s Not Them, It’s Us

The world’s richest countries have preemptively decided they can’t beat the offshore crooks, and so have instead joined them.

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Covid-19 and Illicit Financial Flows: What’s to Come

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Even in normal times, there has been a growing recognition of the threat that illicit financial flows (IFFs) pose to the integrity and stability of the global financial system. But now, with the onslaught of the Covid-19...

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Voices in Transparency – Zoe Reiter, Project on Government Oversight

“I am passionate about pushing governments to be more accountable to the public interest, especially to the groups that are systematically marginalized from power.” As part of Global Financial Integrity’s work to highlight the voices and work...

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Why a Public-Private Partnership is Urgently Needed to Combat Trade-Based Money Laundering

Editor’s Note: This opinion piece was written by a former US Treasury official, who has requested anonymity. Many illicit finance experts agree trade-based money laundering (TBML) is one of the largest, if not the largest, money laundering...

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Why the FACTI Panel should consider trade integrity

Via Shuttershock

There are just ten years left to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and yet countries face a $2.5 trillion annual financing gap to achieve the corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This figure does not account...

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