Global Financial Integrity

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Corruption, the Perception of Corruption, and Violence: Exploring the Linkages in Mexico

By Andrew Peters Corruption perception, not incidence, is the biggest predictor of violence. Security and corruption are the main concerns of the Mexican public. So what factors lead to violence and corruption? How are violence and corruption...

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Illegal Logging in Serbia

By Marija Sunjka One of the most significant problems the Southeastern European country of Serbia has been facing is that of illegal logging.  Across the country, an average of 17,000 hectares (ha) or forests have been disappearing...

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Beneficiarios finales: avances en materia de legislación colombiana

Para promover la transparencia frente a los beneficiarios finales (BF), es necesario que los países cuenten con leyes sólidas para luchar contra los delitos financieros internacionales. En octubre de este año, el Congreso colombiano presentó un proyecto...

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Fighting the Good Fight Against Corruption and Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) In Nigeria

By Ijeoma Nwala During his presidential campaign in 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari promised to end all forms of corruption in Nigeria. His anti-corruption fight has received both praise from international governments, like the United Kingdom, which pledged...

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How Illicit Financial Flows Affect Communities in Kwale

By Francis Kairu, Mary Maneno and Furaha Charo GFI jointly with Transparency International Kenya (TI-K) and Haki Yetu organized the third radio show in this series to discuss the impact the IFFs have had on Kwale County....

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Radio Show on Beneficial Ownership in Kenya

By Francis Kairu and Philip Mutio Global Financial Integrity organized the second radio show in a series of 3 that discussed beneficial ownership in Kenya. The show was held on Kaya FM one of the leading stations...

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GFI Hosts Radio Show on Illicit Financial Flows

With support from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), GFI organized a series of Swahili radio shows aimed at building community knowledge and understanding of illicit financial flows (IFFs) and the linkages to corruption and beneficial ownership....

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Changes to Anti-Money Laundering Efforts Expected with Passage of NDAA

With the expected passage of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Bill there will be many changes to anti-money laundering efforts in the future. FinCEN’s duties and powers will be expanded, there will be updates to the Bank Secrecy...

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