Global Financial Integrity

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Ukraine: Between Offshore and Russia – Tough Neighborhood

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s kleptocratic regime, backed by the KGB and other secret agencies, has cultivated an untouchable caste of rich and powerful oligarchs in Ukraine.

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Georgia: Behind the Offshore Veil

Offshore companies are one of the most important, if not the only, way for businesses to acquire investment capital in Georgia.

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Whistleblowing: Vital to Combatting Offshore

Whistleblowers are vital to revealing and combatting illegal offshoring activity, and to identifying the networks of “respectable” white collar enablers who make these crimes possible.

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A Conversation with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse

Author and journalist Ben Judah interviews Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about ways that secrecy jurisdictions and offshore tax evasion are destabilizing global economies and ways that the U.S. Government can help de-create the offshore system.

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How Offshores Are Bringing Russia to Its Knees

No country has used offshores more than Russia. In many ways, offshore companies have become integral parts of the Russian economy.

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On Lost Tax Revenue

Jack Blum, DC Forum Executive Committee member, discusses the devastating impact of hidden money in offshore accounts has on tax revenue for the United States and other global economies.

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$50 Trillion Offshore with James S. Henry

Investigative journalist and economist James S. Henry on new numbers for the amount of money stashed in offshore tax havens.

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Regulating ‘Acres of Money Laundering’: Time for FinCEN to craft a robust rule for transparency in the real estate sector

On December 6, U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to solicit public comment for Anti-Money Laundering regulations in real estate transactions. These regulatory efforts are long overdue. The...

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