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China’s Underground Bank

Reforms Will Need to Be Further-Reaching and Institutionally Minded if China Hopes to Truly Curb Corruption and Illicit Financial Flows

The coverage of China’s financial sector has been quite the roller coaster of late: from President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign to bad loan collateral to CCTV’s exposure of the Bank of China’s “money laundering” schemes, it’s hard to discern the emerging country’s financial status.

However, one thing remains eminently clear: China has a deeply systemic illicit financial flow problem. It comprises both the individuals singled out in Xi’s purge (and a myriad of those who are not) as well as the corporations that facilitate this illegal behavior. According to our research, China remains the largest exporter of illicit money, with over a trillion dollars flowing illegally out of the country from 2002-2011:

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Tax Havens Are the Biggest Foreign Investor in the United States… Not China

There has been a lot of talk in recent years regarding the extent of China’s investment in the United States. Most of this has been centered on China’s admittedly large holdings of U.S. debt, but the fear has spilled over to other forms of investment as well. A 2012 report filed by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, an entity created by Congress in 2000, went as far as recommending that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US be amended to add a required litmus test for Chinese investment, specifically. This test would make it mandatory to analyze the “net economic benefit” of all proposed Chinese investment in the United States before it is approved.

Being fair, a lot of this has to do with national security, with the rational that Chinese acquisitions of telecommunication companies (for example) might pose a threat to the “cyber and physical infrastructure services critical to maintaining the national defense, continuity of government, economic prosperity, and quality of life in the United States.” How much of this is legitimate I’m not sure of.

Still, does China own an outsized portion of US assets compared to the rest of the world? The short answer is no, not even close.

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US$400 Billion Smuggled into China from Hong Kong through Trade Misinvoicing Since 2006

Fraudulent Trade Misinvoicing Fueling Currency and Housing Speculation within the Country

WASHINGTON, DC – As the Chinese government recently announced moves to crackdown on illicit capital inflows through trade misinvoicing, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) finds that US$400 billion flowed illicitly into China from Hong Kong via trade misinvoicing between 2006 and the first quarter of 2013.  The estimates by Global Financial Integrity were released today in an article by GFI Junior Economist Brian LeBlanc on the website of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

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Illicit Trade Invoicing Fuels China’s Currency, Housing Speculation

US$400 Billion Smuggled into China from Hong Kong through Trade Misinvoicing Since 2006

China’s regulatory body responsible for managing the country’s foreign exchange reserves (SAFE) announced last month that it was planning to increase enforcement and penalties associated with the abuse of trade payments to mask illicit inflows of foreign exchange. The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese authorities have uncovered 1,076 instances of false reporting of export invoices by 112 companies, adding up to approximately $2.5 billion. Still, SAFE has not disclosed the severity of the problem nor how it would clamp down on such practices—leaving many questions to be answered. Allusions to “fishy” trade with Hong Kong were given, but specifics were lacking.

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China: $4 Trillion in Dirty Money Should Worry Us All

Global Financial Integrity’s new report on illicit financial flows from China showed some of the worst numbers that we’ve ever estimated. Crime, corruption, and tax evasion cost the world’s largest country and second-largest economy $3.79 trillion from 2000-2011. To make matters even darker, illicit capital flight is intensifying. In 2011 alone, China lost over $600 billion –more than any other single country lost over a ten year period when Global Financial Integrity estimated illicit financial flows from 2000-2009.

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Illicit Financial Flows from China and the Role of Trade Misinvoicing

This October 2012 briefing paper from Global Financial Integrity, “Illicit Financial Flows from China and the Role of Trade Misinvoicing,” finds that China lost $3.79 trillion in illicit financial flows from 2000-2011. The report examines trade misinvoicing as...

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Dismantle the Global Financial Secrecy System

The global system of financial secrecy is a cancer on democratic institutions and a drain on economic development, yet to date only a handful of experts have called for its elimination.  It merits far greater attention and...

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Money Laundering Risks in Commercial Real Estate: An Analysis of 25 Case Studies

Report Highlights $2.6 billion Laundered Through U.S. Commercial Real Estate

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