Global Financial Integrity

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Corruption in the Global Arms Trade: An Overview

Corruption is never a victimless crime. This is especially true for those who bear the brunt of arms trade corruption.

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Actividad ilícita en el sector maderero de Chile

A pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno, la tala ilegal ha sido un problema importante en Chile durante varias décadas, causando una variedad de problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos. Según el Banco Mundial, la tala ilegal en...

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Illicit Activity in Chile’s Timber Sector

Despite the government’s efforts, illegal logging has been a significant problem in Chile for several decades, causing a range of environmental, social, and economic issues. According to the World Bank, illegal logging in Chile’s native forests destroyed...

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Abordar el lavado de dinero basado en el comercio (TBML) sigue siendo complejo; y corrosivo para las economías en desarrollo

Washington, DC, 2 de febrero de 2023. @IllicitFlows – Una nueva publicación que analiza el alcance y las características del lavado de dinero basado en el comercio mundial (TBML por sus siglas en inglés) encuentra que esta...

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Trade-Based Money Laundering: A Global Challenge

A new publication analyzing the scope and characteristics of global trade-based money laundering (TBML) finds that this illicit activity poses complex problems for law enforcement while also undermining global development. Indeed, while various estimates put TBML activity...

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Addressing TBML Remains Difficult; Corrosive to Developing Economies, New Publication Finds

Trade Based Money Laundering poses a serious threat to the global financial system. Hidden transactions & misinvoicing can be used to launder illicit funds, disrupting economies & undermining financial stability.

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Everything Everywhere All At Once: Understanding the Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative on TBML and Illicit Supply Chains

The two co-authors examine Belt and Road Initiative-related global supply chain risks for individual partner countries in connectivity projects, various commodities, free-trade zones and general trends of corruption and crime. The paper outlines policy recommendations for addressing and managing some of these risks.

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High Level Engagement

Global Financial Integrity staff have been invited to testify before Congress, the European Parliament as well as other high-level fora on numerous occasions to speak on illicit financial flows and transparency. Past engagements include: The Explainer: How...

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