Partners and Coalitions
Global Financial Integrity has partnered with hundreds of organizations over the years promoting a range of financial transparency issues to address illicit financial flows including beneficial ownership registries, country-by-country reporting and automatic exchange of tax information among many others. Our continuing efforts to curtail corruption and kleptocracy by reducing trade misinvoicing, illicit trade and trade-based money laundering will be successful only with strong networks and partnerships. We look forward to building upon this strong foundation.
Addis Tax Initiative
The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) is a multi-stakeholder partnership that aims to enhance domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) in partner countries. Currently, 20 development partners and 25 partner countries have signed the ATI Declaration. Further, the Addis Tax Initiative accounts for 17 supporting organizations (including GFI) which provide Official Development Assistance (ODA) to DRM-related projects and endorse the objectives of the Initiative. GFI was the first endorsing organization of the ATI in 2016.
Advancing the IFF Agenda Through Partnerships and Outreach – Norad Grant
Curtail illicit financial flows in Colombia, Kenya and Uganda through advocacy, research, and robust, dynamic civil society partnerships with organizations including Cedetrabajo, ACODE and Transparency International.
Anti-Corruption Advocacy Network (ACAN)
ACAN is a network which facilitates information exchange on corruption-related issues amongst over 450 participating individuals and organizations
The B Team – Governance and Transparency Team
The B Team, founded by Richard Branson and others, brings business and civil society leaders together to drive systemic solutions to global challenges. GFI is a member of the Governance and Transparency Team, currently working on solving the problem of anonymous companies and soon to expand the scope of work.
Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition
The FACT Coalition is a non-partisan alliance of more than 100 state, national, and international organizations working toward a fair tax system that addresses the challenges of a global economy and promoting policies to combat the harmful impacts of corrupt financial practices. GFI was a founding member of the FACT Coalition.
Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC)
Founded by GFI in 2009, The FTC works to curtail illicit financial flows through the promotion of a transparent, accountable, and sustainable financial system that works for everyone.
Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime
The Coalition brings together different key players in the fight against financial crime and seeks to achieve its overarching purpose of mitigating financial crime by identifying key weaknesses in the current system, advocating for tangible reforms at political and policy level, and make the global anti-money laundering framework more effective.
Governance Data Alliance
An effort, coordinated by Results for Development, focused on improving coordination in the production of governance data while simultaneously establishing and strengthening feedback loops between producers and actual users of those data.
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)
ICAR is a coalition of human rights, environmental, labor, and development organizations that creates, promotes, and defends legal frameworks aimed at ending corporate abuse of people and the planet.
Open Gov Hub (OGH)
OGH is the world’s first meeting place, co-working space, and innovation hub dedicated to opening up governments and empowering citizens around the world.
SDG16 Data Initiative
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted unanimously by the 193 United Nations Member States in September 2015 to guide global and national development policies to 2030. The SDG16 Data Initiative is a collective project to compile existing global data that can help track progress towards the achievement of SDG16.
Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) Network
The TAP Network is an international coalition of civil society organizations in more than 45 countries working together to advance SDG16+ to promote peace, justice, and inclusive societies, and to help enhance accountability for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
TrustLaw is the Thomas Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal program, connecting high-impact NGOs and social enterprises working to create social and environmental change with the best law firms and corporate legal teams.
UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition
The UNCAC Coalition consists of over 300 civil society organizations in over 100 countries committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention Against Corruption.
Women In Transparency (WIT) Network
The WIT Network is a professional networking and policy amplification group for women working in the transparency field. Founded and coordinated by GFI, the WIT Network regularly convenes and collaborates with diverse stakeholders across the transparency policy space.
Accelerated IFF Agenda for African Countries (Aug. 2016 – Dec. 2017)
A collaborative effort with five Africa-based CSOs (Trust Africa, TJN-A, Pan African Lawyers Union, CRADEC, CISLAC) to promote a list of 14 recommendations to governments to assist them in their effort to reduce IFFs and boost domestic resource mobilization. GFI and its partners engaged with organizations and government authorities during the 17-month period August 2016 – Dec. 2017.
FCPA Support Effort (2010-2013)
GFI teamed with ICAR, ONE, Global Witness and Earthrights International on a campaign to oppose efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives to weaken standards in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
G8/G20 Network
A network of approximately 20 organizations, coordinated by InterAction, focused on several issues relevant to the G8 and G20 including sustainable development, anti-corruption and financial transparency. GFI chairs the Financial Transparency and Tax Fairness group.
G20 Advocacy Coalition – (2013)
A coalition of global organizations committed to promoting financial transparency and anti-corruption measures in order to curtail illicit financial flows.
Post 2015 Task Force
A network of approximately 20 organizations, coordinated by InterAction, organized to build upon the High-Level Panel report to advocate for a development framework that is effective in creating a more just, prosperous, peaceful world and focuses on eradicating extreme poverty.