Global Financial Integrity


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South Africa, Revisited: Trade Misinvoicing and Lost Revenue in 2016

by Ben Iorio  In November 2018, Global Financial Integrity published an analysis of South Africa’s potential revenue losses associated with trade misinvoicing, finding losses of approximately US$37 billion in revenue, or on average $7.4 billion between 2010-2014....

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Frequently Asked Questions

GFI frequently receives questions about certain aspects of our value gap methodology for estimating the scale of trade misinvoicing. Here are the most frequently asked questions and our answers: Q: What is trade misinvoicing and why is...

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Mirror Analysis Methodology

This project supplies trade misinvoicing data to GFI’s national and global IFFs reports. Powered by cloud computing, GFI’s trade misinvoicing analysis utilizes global trade data at the 6-digit HS code level for each pair of countries over...

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Value Gap Methodology

What is trade misinvoicing? Types of trade misinvoicing GFI’s value gap analysis methodology Limitations Statistical treatments of Comtrade data What is trade misinvoicing? Trade misinvoicing is a method of moving money illicitly across borders, which involves the...

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GFI: Egypt lost US$1.6 billion to Trade Misinvoicing in 2016; Revenue needed for SDGs

By Ben Iorio On June 26th, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) published a comprehensive study estimating Egyptian revenue losses of approximately US$1.6 billion as a result of trade misinvoicing in 2016. By deploying a detailed analysis of the...

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GFI: Egypt lost estimated $1.6 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016

Washington, DC –In a comprehensive study on the level of trade misinvoicing in Egypt in 2016, GFI found that the estimated potential tax revenue losses to the Egyptian government that year is approximately US$1.6 billion, equivalent to...

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GFI: Indonesia lost estimated US$6.5 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016.

Washington, DC –In a comprehensive new study on the level of trade misinvoicing in Indonesia in 2016, GFI found that the estimated potential tax revenue losses to the Indonesian government that year is approximately US$6.5 billion, equivalent...

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GFI: India lost estimated US$13 billion to trade misinvoicing in 2016.

Washington, DC – In a comprehensive study on the level of trade misinvoicing in India in 2016, GFI found that the estimated potential tax revenue losses to the Indian government that year is US$13.0 billion, equivalent to 5.5...

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