By Buse Egin, May 10, 2023
A pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno, la tala ilegal ha sido un problema importante en Chile durante varias décadas, causando una variedad de problemas ambientales, sociales y económicos. Según el Banco Mundial, la tala ilegal en...
By Buse Egin, May 2, 2023
Despite the government’s efforts, illegal logging has been a significant problem in Chile for several decades, causing a range of environmental, social, and economic issues. According to the World Bank, illegal logging in Chile’s native forests destroyed...
By Katherin Alfonso, April 20, 2023
Strengthening Efforts to Combat Environmental Crime and Illicit Financial Flows Colombia’s National Development Plan (Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, PND) is a key policy document, establishing a national strategy for the next four years of the presidential administration....
By Katherin Alfonso, April 20, 2023
Una perspectiva a la luz de la lucha contra los flujos financieros ilícitos y los delitos medioambientales El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND) es uno de los proyectos de ley más importantes en Colombia, dado que plasma...
By Katherin Alfonso, Karen "Alex" Lopez, December 6, 2022
Today, Mexico is among the three Latin American countries with the highest rates of wildlife trafficking. This problem is complex, especially considering one of their increasingly prolific partners is China.
By Katherin Alfonso, Tanner Clegg, November 22, 2022
As the best empirical data unfortunately indicate, violent conflicts are on the rise. After a precipitous drop in civil wars following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the number of active intrastate conflicts has ballooned over the...
By Katherin Alfonso, Trevor Sutton, June 23, 2022
The FinCEN Files shows that the system as currently designed and enforced is not doing an effective job of keeping criminals and corrupt officials out of the global economy.
By Katherin Alfonso, Gary Kalman, June 22, 2022
The costs of offshore finance are borne by the developed and developing world alike.