WASHINGTON D.C. December 14th, 2022 (@IllicitFlows) Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the Customs Agency of Panama (Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, ANA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen institutional capacity in efforts to fight financial crime....
Financial fraud has a widespread footprint across the Caribbean, involving hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in illicit proceeds each year, impacting the economic security of countries and the region as a whole, and generating a certain level of associated violence.
El Caribe ha experimentado un aumento en los delitos financieros en los últimos años, incluidos los esquemas de fraude.
WASHINGTON D.C. 14 de noviembre de 2022 (@IllicitFlows) – Los estándares contra el lavado de dinero y el financiamiento del terrorismo (ALD/CFT) en América Latina y el Caribe no han logrado seguirle el ritmo a la adopción...
WASHINGTON D.C. November 14th, 2022 (@IllicitFlows) – Anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing (AML/CFT) standards in Latin America and the Caribbean have not kept pace with emerging technologies and asset classes, according to new research by Global...
Since its inception, China has spent an estimated US $200 billion on renewing and modernizing overland trade routes that make up the BRI. New research by Global Financial Integrity and King’s College London finds that improved transport corridors are fueling illicit financial flows (IFFs) and criminal exploitation as the BRI has not been designed and implemented with the aversion of crime.
The People’s Republic of China plays an extremely impactful role as a source, transit and/or demand country in many of the most widespread and serious transnational crimes as well as a key facilitator of global illicit financial flows.
Washington D.C., 8 de septiembre de 2022 (@IllicitFlows) Las ganancias del delito de extorsión en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador llegan a alrededor de los US$1.1 mil millones anuales, de acuerdo con el más reciente estudio realizado...