En una nueva publicación, desarrollada por Global Financial Integrity (GFI) y Cyrus R. Vance Center para la Justicia Internacional (Vance Center), se analiza el marco legislativo de El Salvador y se evalúan los riesgos de delitos financieros...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Washington DC) Advocates Coalition for Development and Development (ACODE) and Global Financial Integrity (GFI) are proud to announce the release of their joint publication, which delves deep into the analysis of sectors vulnerable to...
Washington, DC, 2 de febrero de 2023. @IllicitFlows – Una nueva publicación que analiza el alcance y las características del lavado de dinero basado en el comercio mundial (TBML por sus siglas en inglés) encuentra que esta...
Trade Based Money Laundering poses a serious threat to the global financial system. Hidden transactions & misinvoicing can be used to launder illicit funds, disrupting economies & undermining financial stability.
El nuevo informe de Global Financial Integrity, titulado en inglés Private Investment Funds (Fondos de Inversión Privados en Latinoamérica), examina los factores de riesgo de lavado de dinero asociados con estos fondos de inversión privados en Latinoamérica.
The new GFI report Private Investment Funds in Latin America: Money Laundering and Corruption Risks examines the money laundering risk factors associated with private investment funds in Latin America.
WASHINGTON D.C. December 14th, 2022 (@IllicitFlows) Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the Customs Agency of Panama (Autoridad Nacional de Aduanas, ANA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen institutional capacity in efforts to fight financial crime....
Financial fraud has a widespread footprint across the Caribbean, involving hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in illicit proceeds each year, impacting the economic security of countries and the region as a whole, and generating a certain level of associated violence.