This Policy Insight assesses where the United States currently stands in terms of beneficial ownership, analyzes how beneficial ownership is seen in the U.S. policy priorities, looks to the future of ways to strengthen beneficial ownership in the United States going forward, and puts beneficial ownership in the context of trade and transportation, both important factors in national security. With the US acting as a major hub for business, trade, and financial services worldwide, strengthening financial transparency is critically important. Beneficial ownership is key to this process. Many efforts have been made in the past decade to address these weaknesses at the legislative level. Most recently, the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act includes language that is key to ending the incorporation of anonymous companies in the United States.

Policy Insight: The Future of Beneficial Ownership in the United States: Trade, Transportation, and National Security Implications
By Lakshmi Kumar, Julia Yansura, December 8, 2020
This report was originally published as part of “Registro de Beneficiarios Finales Una demanda transversal” by (Eds.) María Eugenia Marano, Juan Argibay and Adrián Falco and in partnership with Fundación SES, the Financial Transparency Coalition, and Latindadd.