Washington, DC –In a comprehensive new study on the level of trade misinvoicing in Indonesia in 2016, GFI found that the estimated potential tax revenue losses to the Indonesian government that year is approximately US$6.5 billion, equivalent...
Washington, DC – In a comprehensive study on the level of trade misinvoicing in India in 2016, GFI found that the estimated potential tax revenue losses to the Indian government that year is US$13.0 billion, equivalent to 5.5...
Joint Letter from 127 Groups Supporting Corporate Transparency Act of 2019 (H.R. 2513) The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney United States House of Representatives 2308 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Peter T. King United...
Washington, DC– Tom Cardamone, with the recommendation of Raymond Baker and the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors, becomes President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Financial Integrity (GFI) with effect from May 1, 2019. Directors...
Using data gleaned from state corporation formation agencies, a new report shows the scant amount of information required to establish an anonymous shell company in the United States.
A new analysis of illicit financial flows (IFFs) due to trade misinvoicing in 148 developing countries demonstrates that trade-related IFFs appear to be both significant and persistent features of developing country trade with advanced economies.
South Africa Trade Misinvoicing Leads to Massive Revenue Losses WASHINGTON, DC – Analysis of trade misinvoicing in South Africa from 2010 – 2014 shows that the potential average loss of revenue to the government was...
Nigeria Trade Misinvoicing Leads to Significant Revenue Losses Misinvoicing of Imports and Exports is 15 percent of all Trade Transactions WASHINGTON, DC – Analysis of trade misinvoicing in Nigeria in 2014 shows that the...