Global Financial Integrity

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Letter to the Editor: Re: Tax Me If You Can


James B. Stewart does such an entertaining job of illustrating the effort many of New York’s richest non-residents put into avoiding city taxes that a reader might be excused for cheering them along, just as I did with Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in the similarly named movie (“Tax Me If You Can,” March 19th). However, the actions of such tax evaders do a great disservice not only to working-class New Yorkers but to all Americans currently suffering from cuts in health care, education, and other essential services as a result of empty government coffers. Amusing as the games of the rich might be, one need only look at Athens in order to see the possible consequences. At the end of the day, even DiCaprio’s character ended up behind bars.

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GFI’s Heather Lowe to Speak on Panel Regarding Amendments to FCPA

Georgetown University Panel to Also Feature Speakers from DOJ, SEC, Shearman & Sterling and World Bank

WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity’s Legal Counsel and Director of Government Affairs, Heather A. Lowe, will participate in a panel discussion on proposed changes to the FCPA at Georgetown University Law Center tomorrow evening, Tuesday, March 13, 2012.

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GFI Encourages Senators to Support Offshore Tax Amendment to Transportation Bill

Amendment Would Raise $900 Million Over 10 Years

WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) today joined several other civil society organizations encouraging U.S. Senators to support the offshore tax evasion amendment (S.A. 1818) to the highway reauthorization bill.  The amendment, sponsored by Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Kent Conrad (D-ND), is expected to come up for a vote this evening.

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GFI Applauds Senate for Adopting Offshore Tax Amendment; Calls on House to Do Same

Amendment to Raise $900 Million Over 10 Years

WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) today applauded the U.S. Senate for unanimously adopting the Levin-Conrad amendment (S.A. 1818) to the highway reauthorization bill, and called upon members of the House of Representatives to follow suit in their own version of the legislation.

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Banks, Not Borders, Hold Immigration Key

Solutions to root causes of the huge levels of illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States deserve more attention. One cause of people leaving developing countries like Mexico is the outflow of financial resources from illicit activities. Stop this flow of capital, and countries would have the resources to create jobs and opportunity at home and stem the flow of people over our borders.

To do this, we must change our laws, which today make it far too easy for people from other countries to hide their ill-gotten gains here in America.

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Oil Industry Must Stop Supporting Secrecy, Say Financial Transparency and Anti-Poverty Groups

WASHINGTON, DC – Anti-poverty groups and supporters of financial transparency today urged the oil industry to drop its attacks on a new law that will reduce corruption and reveal the money trail between industry and resource-rich governments.

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U.S. Senate Bill Introduced to Crack Down on Offshore Tax Abuse

Legislation Would Require Country-by-Country Reporting of Sales, Profits, Employees and Tax Payments by Multinationals

WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) today applauded the introduction of a bill, which would close several major tax loopholes and curtail abusive tax haven secrecy.

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Over 30 NGOs Call on Congress to Refrain from Introducing Legislation Amending FCPA

Proposals to Amend Foreign Bribery Law Could Significantly Undermine Human Rights, Commerce, U.S. Standing in the World

WASHINGTON, DC – Earlier today more than 30 civil society and business groups, including human rights and anticorruption organizations, sent a letter to every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate expressing their opposition to any efforts to amend the world’s flagship anticorruption legislation, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

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