Photo by railway fx & Shutterstock
In Belize, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) is actively engaged in joint efforts with partners, including the Media Institute of the Caribbean and Friends for Conservation and Development. This strategic alliance is geared towards fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within the nation, by empowering civil society and government institutions.
The projects developed in Belize under this collaborative framework encompass a spectrum of objectives, from strengthening financial integrity within the country, to improving the integrity of beneficial and land ownership, combating illicit financial flows with a particular focus on their environmental implications, and promoting greater integrity in areas such as natural resources taxation and trade. By addressing these critical facets, GFI and its partners aspire to catalyze positive transformations in Belize, contributing to a resilient and transparent financial landscape that aligns with sustainable development goals.
Our efforts in Belize are possible thanks to the financial support of the NORAD agency.
Read the report here:
Financial Fraud in the Caribbean
GFI has produced three factsheets reviewing Beneficial Ownership and the connection between illicit financial flows and illicit wildlife trade
Download our factsheets here:
Beneficial Ownership & Belize: Policy Needs & Opportunities
Illicit Financial Flows and Environmental Impact in Belize
Increasing Professional Integrity: Understanding Professional Gatekeepers and Belize’s Regulations