Global Financial Integrity

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Report Launch: Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean

Join GFI for the launch of our upcoming report Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: Understanding Country Challenges and Designing Effective Technical Responses. The report authors will present findings and recommendations on the vulnerabilities and...

Event Details

Date: October 15, 2021
Time: 10am EDT
Language: Simultaneous English/Spanish translation will be available
Idioma: Contaremos con traducción simultánea inglés/español durante el evento
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Join GFI for the launch of our upcoming report Financial Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean: Understanding Country Challenges and Designing Effective Technical Responses. The report authors will present findings and recommendations on the vulnerabilities and weaknesses countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face regarding financial crime. 

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The same threats that make this region one of the most violent in the world also generate large amounts of illicit proceeds, causing these countries to face complex financial crime landscapes. The report finds that despite important progress on laws and regulations, effective implementation of AML/CFT remains a challenge for many countries in the region. 

The report assesses vulnerabilities through a country-by-country analysis of the scope of financial crimes and main threats facing individual countries. Additionally, it uses a regional analysis of illegal activities that generate illicit proceeds and current financial crime threats to understand the most urgent problems facing the nation. The authors also put forth recommendations to strengthen the regional response to financial crimes in the Western Hemisphere.

Panelists will present in Spanish and English, live translation available in both languages.
Los panelistas presentarán en español e inglés, traducción en vivo simultánea para ambos idiomas.


Joining us for the event: 

Keynote Speakers:
Honorable Ryan Pinder, Chairman, CFATF; Attorney General, The Bahamas

Gabriela Rodríguez, Technical Expert, GAFILAT

Gonzalo Vila, Latin America Director, Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists

Julia Yansura, Latin America and the Caribbean Program Manager, Global Financial Integrity

Channing Mavrellis, Illicit Trade Director, Global Financial Integrity

Lakshmi Kumar, Policy Director, Global Financial Integrity

Claudia Helms, Latin America and the Caribbean Program Associate, Global Financial Integrity


Download Full Report

**El Resumen Ejecutivo en español se encontrará disponible pronto.**

This Report Launch will be held on Friday, October 15 at 10:00 am EDT.

Simultaneous English/Spanish translation will be available (contaremos con traducción simultánea inglés/español durante el evento). This event is free. Join us on Zoom by registering in advance.

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If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Anikis

Para mayor información sobre el evento y material en español contacte a