GFI works with in-country partners to produce videos to illustrate our research and the impacts illicit activities have on local communities. GFI has produced a video illustrating the impact of illicit gold mining in Colombia. Stay tuned for upcoming videos on Kenya and Uganda.
Series: Colombia: Challenges to Creating a More Transparent Society | Colombia: retos y desafíos para una sociedad más transparente
Capítulo 1: Los Beneficiarios Finales/The Beneficial Owners | GFI, Colombia
We’re pleased to share the first of three videos in our series “Colombia: Challenges to Creating a More Transparent Society” that explores the concept of Beneficial Ownership in Colombia through expert interviews.
What is Beneficial Ownership? How can we combat money laundering and corruption by identifying the Beneficial Owners of companies? Experts and top policymakers from DIAN Colombia & Financial Superintendence explain why Colombia should move forward with beneficial ownership transparency.
¿Quiénes son los beneficiarios finales ? ¿Es posible combatir el lavado de activos y la corrupción identificándolos? Expertos y directores de entidades como la DIAN y la Superintendencia Financiera nos cuentan por qué Colombia debe seguir avanzando en mecanismos para identificarlos.
Capítulo 2: El Estado y las instituciones/The State and Institutions
In the second of our video series on financial transparency in Colombia, experts from DIAN, the Financial Superintendence and UIAF explain why Beneficial Ownership is important, what steps need to be taken, and why it’s important to involve a variety of government agencies. Check out the video and learn more about how identifying the real people behind legal entities can help combat money laundering and promote transparency.
En nuestra segunda entrega de la serie “Colombia: retos y desafíos para una sociedad más transparente” los expertos de la DIAN, la Superintendencia Financiera y la UIAF nos cuentan qué necesita el país para consolidar un registro de beneficiarios finales y cuáles son las entidades qué deberían regularlo. Y usted ¿ya sabe por qué identificar a los dueños reales de las empresas es clave para la lucha contra el lavado y la transparencia?
Capítulo 3: El sector cafetero, un caso de transparencia y trazabilidad
“Colombia: Challenges to Creating a More Transparent Society” addresses Colombia’s progress with Beneficial Ownership and the key points for implementation. In the third installment, we discuss the importance of transparency for companies in the coffee sector, the flagship sector of the Colombian economy.
Nuestra serie de videos “Colombia: retos y desafíos para una sociedad más transparente” aborda los avances de Colombia alrededor de beneficiarios finales y los puntos clave para su implementación. En su tercera entrega, presentamos cómo este enfoque de transparencia es clave para las empresas desde el sector cafetero, insignia de la economía colombiana.
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Not all that Glitters is Gold: The Gold Standard in Colombia
In 2019, Colombia exported over 52 metric tons of gold worth an estimated US$1.8 billion to trading partners worldwide. As such, gold represents an important resource for the country, as well as an economic livelihood for many. But greater transparency is needed to ensure supply chain integrity. Watch our video to learn more about the importance of transparency and integrity in the Colombian gold sector.
No todo lo que brilla es oro, por una minería de oro transparente en Colombia
En Colombia no todo lo que brilla es oro. El país está dejando de percibir millones de dólares debido al comercio ilegal y la facturación fraudulenta del metal precioso. En Global Financial Integrity queremos que el oro realmente brille para Colombia… Pero ¿cómo hacerlo?… Este video explora los caminos hacia la transparencia que tiene el país para hacer de este sector un buen aliado de la economía, las comunidades mineras y los consumidores.
Beneficial Ownership and Financial Transparency in Kenya
In 2020, 384.3 billion shillings (US$3.5 billion) was laundered through the Kenyan economy. Why is beneficial ownership transparency important for Kenya? It is key to combatting tax evasion, corruption, money laundering, shell companies and terrorism financing in Kenya.
Illicit Financial Flows in Kenya
How are Illicit Financial Flows affecting communities in Kenya?
Every year Kenya loses billions of shillings through illicit financial flows (IFFs) driven by corruption, trade misinvoicing and tax evasion. This deprives the country of much needed revenue, stifling and dwarfing development in Kenya.
Vulnerabilities of the Gold Trade in Uganda.
GFI, in partnership with ACODE Uganda, identified ways to curb illicit financial flows in Uganda’s gold sector.
Beneficial Ownership and Financial Transparency in Uganda.
Why is Beneficial Ownership Transparency important?
Collecting beneficial Ownership information is key to combatting tax evasion, corruption, money laundering , shell companies and terrorism financing.