Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) urges Congress to institute measures requiring greater transparency following the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report stating that eighty-three of America’s 100 largest publicly traded corporations and contractors control secret offshore operations that could help them avoid paying U.S. taxes on their profits.
Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC – A unique global coalition of civil society organizations and more than 50 governments was launched today to address the inequalities in the financial system that penalize billions of people. The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development advocates for greatly improved transparency and accountability in the global financial system. The opacity and complexity of the financial system, enabled by financial institutions, laundering techniques and more than 70 secrecy jurisdictions, is at the heart of the current financial crisis and significantly impedes the ability of poor countries to develop their economies.
Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC – As a Senator, President-Elect Barack Obama co-signed legislation that would crack-down on tax evasion and the abuse of tax havens, as a Presidential candidate he reiterated his commitment to tackling tax evasion.
Lagan Sebert of the American News Project examines how tax havens helped enable the current economic mess and how several of the big companies that have received billions of bailout dollars were also the most active in the shady world of offshore finance.
WASHINGTON, DC – A new report by Global Financial Integrity,“Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2006,” shows that the developing world is losing an increasing amount of money through illicit capital flight each year.
Global Financial Integrity
Kenneth M. Jensen Joins Global Financial Integrity Advisory Board
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity is pleased to welcome Kenneth M. Jensen as the newest member of its advisory board.
Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC – When G20 leaders meet in Washington, D.C., this Saturday, improving transparency in the financial system must be a priority, says Global Financial Integrity (GFI).
Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC – Member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) met in Paris, France Tuesday for the “Conference on the Fight Against International Tax Evasion and Avoidance: Improving Transparency and Stepping-Up Exchange of Information in Tax Matters.”