Global Financial Integrity
Director Raymond Baker and Director of Government Affairs Heather Lowe Appear in Latest Issue of the American Interest
WASHINGTON, DC — Pieces authored by Global Financial Integrity (GFI) director Raymond Baker and GFI director of government affairs Heather Lowe appear in the latest issue of the American Interest. The July/August edition of the bimonthly publication hits newsstands this week and may be viewed online at
Global Financial Integrity Director Raymond Baker spoke Thursday, June 3rd, 2010 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the topic of “Innovative Development Financing Initiatives Under Development” as part of an informal event on innovative sources of development finance.
Global Financial Integrity
New Disclosure Rules for Hong Kong Stock Exchange Will Improve Investment Climate, Transparency and Accountability
WASHINGTON, DC—New disclosure rules going into effect today for petroleum and mineral companies listed with the Hong Kong stock exchange (HKEx) will increase transparency and accountability in the extractive industries sector with beneficial implications for Hong Kong’s investment climate, said Global Financial Integrity (GFI).
Offshore Clearinghouse is Systemic Product of a Lack of Transparency; Senate Leadership Decision to Prevent Vote on Amendment is Troubling
WASHINGTON, DC – The fate of a crucial element of financial reform efforts, an amendment proposed to the Financial Stability Reform Act by Senators Carl Levin ((D-MI) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) is in limbo ahead of a cloture vote scheduled to take place on the Senate floor later today. The proposed amendment-which will reportedly be prevented from receiving a vote on the Senate floor-will ban banks from proprietary trading, and its omission from the financial reform bill would set back critical efforts to increase transparency in offshore financial markets, said Global Financial Integrity today.
New Report from Global Financial Integrity Tracks Hundreds of Billions in Illicit Finances to Points of Deposit
WASHINGTON, DC—A report released today from Global Financial Integrity (GFI) examines where trillions of dollars in illicit finances—the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion are being deposited.
$160 billion lost to illegal capital flight in the last decade, according to analysis from Global Financial Integrity
WASHINGTON, DC—Global Financial Integrity lead economist, Dev Kar, has prepared an analysis on the Greek financial crisis for the blog of the Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development in which he looks at the role illicit financial flows— Greece lost an estimated US$160 billion in unrecorded transfers through its balance of payments in the last decade—played leading up to the current financial crisis.
Global Financial Integrity
Global Financial Integrity Circulating Petition Demanding Financial Transparency
Washington, DC — As the Group of Twenty (G20) finance ministers meets tomorrow in Washington, Global Financial Integrity (GFI) urges leaders to acknowledge the devastating link between illicit financial flows from developing countries, secrecy jurisdictions (tax havens), and global poverty.
WASHINGTON, DC — Global Financial Integrity (GFI) is pleased to announce that former New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau has agreed to serve on the GFI Advisory Board. Mr. Morgenthau’s Advisory Board membership builds upon earlier collaborations with GFI on projects and efforts related to illicit financial practices, the most recent of which was a briefing last September on the national security risks inherent to growing diplomatic and financial ties between Iran and Venezuela.