Fraudulent Trade Transactions Channeled at Least US$60.8 Billion Illegally in or out of 5 African Countries from 2002-2011
Tax Loss from Trade Misinvoicing Potentially at 12.7% of Uganda’s Total Government Revenue, followed by Ghana (11.0%), Mozambique (10.4%), Kenya (8.3%), & Tanzania (7.4%)
COPENHAGEN, Denmark / WASHINGTON, DC – The fraudulent misinvoicing of trade is hampering economic growth and potentially resulting in billions of U.S. dollars in lost tax revenue in Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda, according to a new report published Monday by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a Washington DC-based research and advocacy organization. The study—funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark—finds that the over- and under-invoicing of trade transactions facilitated at least US$60.8 billion in illicit financial flows into or out of the five African countries between 2002 and 2011.
The Little-Understood Practice of Misinvoicing or Re-Invoicing Relies on Legal Grey Areas and Financial Secrecy and Costs the Continent Dearly
Lately, the media has been replete with stories about how Africa is losing billions of dollars a year through a process called “trade misinvoicing.” The concept of trade misinvoicing is simple: companies and their agents deliberately alter the prices of their exports and imports in order to justify moving money out of, or into, a country illicitly.
The practice is very common in Africa. To name just a couple instances, it has allegedly been used to avoid paying import duties on sugar in Kenya and to shift taxable income out of Zambia and into tax havens abroad.
Trade Misinvoicing Drained US$763.4bn from Poor Countries in 2011, according to GFI Research
Influential News Weekly Features GFI’s Research & Experts in Latest Issue
WASHINGTON, DC – The latest issue of The Economist profiles the problem of trade-based money laundering, which drains hundreds of billions of dollars from developing economies each year, according to Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization. The prestigious financial news magazine cites heavily from GFI’s research and experts, while warning that efforts to tackle trade misinvoicing are “the weakest link” in the international effort to fight illicit financial flows.
Follows Prime Minister’s Move to Create Public Registry of Beneficial Ownership for All UK Companies
Pressure Continues to Rise on U.S. Government to Follow Suit
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) lauded UK Prime Minister David Cameron today for urging all British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies in a letter today to crack down on the abuse of anonymous shell companies by creating public registries of meaningful beneficial ownership information. The letter follows recent moves by the UK Government, which is currently in the process of creating the world’s first such public registry to do the same.
On Friday, 11 April 2014, Global Financial Integrity convened a high level gathering of policymakers, thought leaders, and donors in Washington, DC for a candid discussion of the links between income inequality and illicit financial flows.
European Vote Increases Pressure on White House & Congress to Move
Full EU Parliament Endorses Creation of Public Registries of Beneficial Ownership Information; Follows Earlier Committee Votes
European Council Should Endorse Move to Curb Phantom Firms in Negotiations with Parliament
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) praised the full European Parliament for voting today to crack down on anonymous shell companies, a major conduit for laundering the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion.
Following similar votes by two committees of the EU Parliament last month, the full legislative body voted today in favor of requiring public registries of beneficial ownership information for companies incorporated in the EU, as part of its revisions to the EU’s Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD).
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity announced today that Arvinn Eikeland Gadgil has joined its Advisory Council. GFI, a research and advocacy organization based in Washington DC, will benefit from Mr. Gadgil’s experience working to promote economic development and curtail illicit financial flows at the highest level.
Mr. Gadgil is Director of Partnerships and Policy at the Norwegian Refugee Council in Oslo. Prior to his appointment in January 2014 he was Norway’s Deputy Minister for International Development from April 2012 to December 2013. Previously, he was Political Advisor to the Minister of Development. From 2006–2007 he worked in the South Asia and Afghanistan section in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Gadgil has also been posted to Afghanistan and worked for Development Fund Norway.
European Vote Raises Pressure on White House & Congress to Follow Suit
EU Parliament Endorses Creation of Public Registries of Beneficial Ownership Information
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) praised the European Parliament for voting today to crack down on anonymous shell companies, a major conduit for laundering the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion.
The European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee as well as the Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee voted in favor of requiring public registries of beneficial ownership information for companies incorporated in the EU, as part of its revisions to the EU’s Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD).