Transnational Crime and the Developing World

Transnational crime undermines economies, societies, and governments in developing countries. National and global policy efforts are needed to address the shadow financial system responsible for processing the vast sums of these “businesses”.
Event Details
[email protected]
+1 202 293 0740 ext. 231
Report Launch and Discussion
Transnational crime is a business, and business is very good. Money is the primary motivation for these illegal activities. The revenues generated from the 11 crimes covered in this report— the trafficking of drugs, arms, humans, human organs, and cultural property; counterfeiting; illegal wildlife crime; illegal fishing; illegal logging; illegal mining; and, crude oil theft —not only line the pockets of the perpetrators but also finance violence, corruption, further criminal activities, and other abuses. These crimes undermine local and national economies, destroy the environment, and jeopardize the health and wellbeing of the public. Transnational crime will continue to grow until the paradigm of high profits and low risks is challenged.
Linking this array of illegal goods are consistent trends in the organized networks involved in the crimes, the role of the global shadow financial system, and the negative consequences for governments, economies, and societies in developing countries. These linkages help to illustrate the systemic nature of transnational crime, which therefore calls for a broad approach to combating it, in addition to market-specific efforts.
Global Financial Integrity’s new report, Transnational Crime and the Developing World, will be released on Monday, March 27, 2017. It will be available on GFI’s reports page.
Tom Cardamone, Global Financial Integrity
Channing May, Global Financial Integrity (report author)
John Cassara, author of Trade-Based Money Laundering
Michael Dziedzic, Pax Advisory
Christine Clough, Global Financial Integrity
For more information, contact Brija Johnson at [email protected] or 202-293-0740.
This event is on the record and open to the public.