Paradox of Plenty: Natural Resource Crime in Africa

Global Financial Integrity is pleased to present this panel discussion on natural resource crimes in Africa, the first in a series focusing on the topic
Event Details
July 29, 2020
Africa is a continent rich in natural resources, but that also has its disadvantages. From the famed resource curse to poachers and illegal miners, natural resource crime is a problem across the continent. Worse still, the same routes used by those who exploit natural resources often also traffic in drugs, people and arms, further contributing to community and environmental devastation. As minerals, oil and wildlife are all finite resources, the urgency to curb natural resource crime is great.
9:30 AM — Moderator Welcome, Francis Kairu, Global Financial Integrity (Nairobi, Kenya)
9:45 AM — Panelist Presentation, Tutu Alicante, EG Justice: Timber exploitation in Equatorial Guinea.
9:50 AM — Panelist Presentation, Alexandra Gillies, Natural Resource Governance Institute (New York, USA): Oil corruption in Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Angola and Congo-Brazzaville.
9:55 AM — Panelist Presentation, Alastair Nelson, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (Western Cape, South Africa): Wildlife trafficking and overlaps with other illicit flows in Southern and East Africa, and links to Asia.
10:00 AM — Panelist Presentation, Opimbi Osore, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) (Bonn, Germany): Illegal mining and illegal trade in gemstones and minerals in Eastern and Southern Africa.
10:05 AM — Moderated Panel Discussion
10:15 AM — Audience Q&A
10:30 AM — End
The panel discussion will:
➢ Highlight the trends, research and conditions of oil corruption, wildlife trafficking and illegal mining of gemstones and minerals on the African continent.
➢ Provide case study examples of natural resource crime and corruption.
➢ Identify possible solutions to curbing natural resource crime on the African continent.