DC Forum Conference

Financial secrecy has eroded democracy and capitalism on many fronts. Despite the surge of anti-kleptocracy measures being taken in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, much remains to be addressed regarding the role of financial secrecy...
Event Details
Financial secrecy has eroded democracy and capitalism on many fronts. Despite the surge of anti-kleptocracy measures being taken in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, much remains to be addressed regarding the role of financial secrecy in undermining democracy, capitalism, and ultimately the basic freedoms we enjoy.
The DC-Forum will address the whole picture of financial secrecy and its ills, bringing together actors from government, the policy world, NGOs, and the fourth estate. Invisible trillions have polluted the functioning and values of democracies, and we must act to reverse the nefarious political effects of financial secrecy.
Please join us on Zoom for a full-day conference featuring policy makers, opinion-shapers and subject matter experts who will discuss the current state of play and the required next steps to remedy the risks associated with opacity in the global financial system.