Amplifying Integrity in the Fight Against Systemic Illegality

Enhancing Enforcement and Norms of Global Financial Transparency
The World Bank Group and Global Financial Integrity (GFI) invite you to a panel discussion on the systemic nature of corruption and illicit financial flows—what we have learned to better shape enforcement and to counter detrimental fraudulent misrepresentations.
Event Details
[email protected] Dina El Naggar
[email protected]
[wptab name=’Overview’]
The World Bank Group and Global Financial Integrity (GFI) invite you to a panel discussion on the systemic nature of corruption and illicit financial flows—what we have learned to better shape enforcement and to counter detrimental fraudulent misrepresentations. These discussions build on the World Bank Group’s commitment to work with governments, civil society groups, the private sector, and international organizations to support implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption and compliance with global standards for transparency and accountability.
Corruption erodes public trust in government, undermines the rule of law, and may give rise to political and economic grievances that might, in conjunction with other factors, fuel violent extremism. Perpetrators of corruption operate with intermediaries in the global shadow financial system to move, disguise, and launder their ill-gotten gains into the legitimate economy. At the London Anti-Corruption Summit in May 2016, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim promoted an agenda of “radical transparency” that can help us reduce corruption and better understand the drivers of corruption.
- Where are we today in our understanding of the big picture of the causes and consequences of corruption?
- What are some of the latest policy measures and programs governments can employ to make real progress on financial transparency to fight corruption?
Panelists from the World Bank Group, Global Financial Integrity, the U.S. Government, the IMF, Global Witness, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Transparency International, and others will share their insights and ideas on these important questions.
[wptab name=’Agenda’]
9:30-9:45 Opening Remarks
Raymond Baker, President, Global Financial Integrity
9:45-10:30 What we Have Learned from Recent Decades of Anti-Corruption Work
Moderator: Galina Mikhlin- Oliver, Director of Strategy, Integrity Vice Presidency, World Bank Group
- Sarah Chayes, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Frank Vogl, Co-Founder and Former Chairman, Transparency International
- Deborah L. Wetzel, Senior Director, Governance Global Practice, World Bank Group
10:30-11:45 Progressing International and National Responses to Illicit Financial Flows
Moderator: Stephen Zimmermann, Director of Operations, Integrity Vice Presidency, World Bank Group
- Tom Cardamone, Managing Director, Global Financial Integrity
- Sean Hagan, General Counsel, International Monetary Fund
- Mark Hays, Senior Advisor, Global Witness
- Eric Hylton, Executive Director, International Operations, IRS Criminal Investigations, United States, and Chair, OECD Task Force on Tax Crimes and Other Crimes
- Emile Van Der Does De Willebois, Global Lead, Financial Market Integrity, Finance and Markets Global Practice, World Bank Group
11:45-12:00 Next Steps
Leonard McCarthy, Integrity Vice President, World Bank Group
[wptab name=’Speakers’]
Confirmed panelists and moderators currently include (in alphabetical order):
- Raymond Baker, President, Global Financial Integrity
- Tom Cardamone, Managing Director, Global Financial Integrity
- Sarah Chayes, Senior Associate, Democracy and Rule of Law Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Sean Hagan, General Counsel, International Monetary Fund
- Mark Hays, Senior Advisor, Global Witness
- Eric Hylton, Executive Director, International Operations, IRS Criminal Investigations, United States, and Chair, OECD Task Force on Tax Crimes and Other Crimes
- Leonard McCarthy, Integrity Vice President, World Bank Group
- Galina Mikhlin- Oliver, Director of Strategy, Integrity Vice Presidency, World Bank Group
- Emile Van Der Does De Willebois, Global Lead, Financial Market Integrity, Finance and Markets Global Practice, World Bank Group
- Frank Vogl, Co-Founder and Former Chairman, Transparency International
- Debbie L. Wetzel, Senior Director, Governance Global Practice, World Bank Group
- Steve Zimmermann, Director of Operations, Integrity Vice Presidency, World Bank Group
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