Executive Committee
![]() Raymond Baker | Raymond Baker is the Founding President of Global Financial Integrity and the author of Capitalism’s Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System, published by John Wiley & Sons and cited by the Financial Times as one of the “best business books of 2005.” He has for many years been an internationally respected authority on corruption, money laundering, growth, and foreign policy issues, particularly as they concern emerging market and developing countries and impact western economic and foreign interests. He has written and spoken extensively, testified often before legislative committees in the United States, Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom, been quoted worldwide, and has commented frequently on television and radio in the the United States, Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia on legislative matters and policy questions, including appearances on ABC News' Nightline, Al Jazeera, BBC, Bloomberg TV, the CBS Evening News, CNN, NPR, and PBS, among others. |
![]() Jack Blum | Jack Blum is a Washington lawyer who is an expert on white-collar financial crime and international tax evasion. He spent fourteen years as a staff attorney with the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Blum played a central role in the Lockheed Aircraft bribery investigation of the 1970's – which led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – and in the investigation of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Blum has been a consultant to the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, the United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention, and served as the chair of the experts group on international asset recovery, which was convened by the United Nations Centre for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. Blum often testifies about money laundering and tax evasion before U.S. congressional committees. |
![]() Tom Cardamone | Tom Cardamone is the President and CEO of Global Financial Integrity (GFI). Mr. Cardamone is responsible for the strategic planning and promotion of organizational goals and policy positions to key audiences, including high-level government officials and multilateral institutions. He also leads promotion of GFI’s trade risk-assessment database GFTrade, which enables developing country customs officials to better detect instances of trade misinvoicing in order to capture more domestic resources. Throughout his career, Mr. Cardamone has served as an analyst, consultant, project director and executive director to several non-profit organizations. He has advocated numerous policy positions related to increasing global financial security and transparency through appearances on CNN, CNBC, Canadian Broadcasting, as well as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. He has delivered remarks on various policy issues to the UN, the OECD and has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. |
![]() Charles Davidson | Charles Davidson has been involved in various efforts at reform of the “offshore” financial secrecy system, with a recent focus on anti-kleptocracy. He co-founded and was Executive Director of the Kleptocracy Initiative at Hudson Institute (2014-2018), testified regarding the national security threats associated with kleptocracy before the Senate Committee of the Judiciary, the Helsinki Commission, and the House Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats. He was one of the founders of Global Financial Integrity (2006) and chaired its Advisory Board, was a co-founder of the FACT Coalition, and Executive Producer of Sundance documentary We’re Not Broke (2012). Between 2005 and 2020, Charles was the Publisher of The American Interest magazine. Prior to 2005, Charles was in the information technology industry, in a technical capacity, in executive management, and later in venture capital. He is a graduate of Bowdoin College, and has an MBA from Duke University. |